'Student Council'

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I wake in a strange room.

Solid morning light shimmers against the light gray ceiling. I had forgotten to draw the certains closed last night.


This is my room, isn't it?

"My room..."

This the third room this year that I'm supposed to call 'mine.'

Various things around here remind me that indeed, it's me who is supposed to be the one living here.

My bags on the floor, my new school books on the desk.

My numerous medications on the night table.

I stare at the bottles for a moment, deliberating, until I open a bottle, shake out a pill and pop out a tablet from a foil sheet.

I down them with a chaser of water without thinking about the chemistry.

My uniforms are in the closet.

I slink out from under the sheets and stretch my back before anything I must have a shower and brush my teeth.


Once I  brushed my teeth, got out the shower and dried myself, I put on the school uniform. It felt like dressing in someone else's clothes, but! I had my hat, which I placed on my head to cover my raven long hair that stuck out.

The artificial smell of generic detergent invades my nose, but the feeling of fresh cloth against my back is a good one, a natural one.

It feels like a school uniform, as it should. It's not much different from what I used to wear before.

That goes for other things too. So farm this place seems more or less like a normal school.

"Except for the people...." I shrugged, well I'm one of them people.

I didn't see a lot of kids hanging around after classes yesterday, so maybe there are clubs. If so, I wonder if I should join one.


All through class, the question remains on my mind, so I decide to ask Bia....May about it when we split into groups.

After all, Bi-May did say if I had anything I wanted to know, I should ask her.

I approached the two.

Bianca does some hand gestures to me.

"I don't understand" I sweatdropped.

She crosses her arms and shifts her gaze slowly to May, who looks more preoccupied with trying to grind the eraser of her pencil down so that the top is perfectly and evenly flat.

She again did some hand gestures.

"Ahaha~! Sorry, sorry, Bianca~! Is there something you wanted from me?" May brightly said, with her hands on her hips.

"Oh~....I see! Hm.... That's a good question, Bianca" May scratched her nose.

My first thought is that means she doesn't know, which is worrying. Maybe I'm being too negative. Well, anyway, May, please don't prove me right.

Bianca did some different hand gestures.

"Oh, that's right! Everyone is encouraged to join a club. A lot of people do so because there isn't really anything else to do. There are also school events, like the festival coming up in a few days. Almost every student in the school tends to help out with it, doing whatever." May told me what Bianca said.

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