(Winter) Chapter 39

Start from the beginning

Gil was taken back. "Afraid? Of what?"

"Of being hated by our own granddaughter. All we could do was support her from afar."

"No, that's not true," Gil turns the picture frame around and shows it to Hinako's grandfather. "I know that Hinako's hurt but from what I can feel, she doesn't hate you. She doesn't hate either of you. All she wanted was for someone to reach out to her. She found the people she was looking for in Fuyuki and I'm glad that I did the same. Now, you did it, too. Hinako loves you two, that is what I'm certain of."

Hinako's grandfather looks at the picture and focuses on the smile that little Hinako made when the picture was taken. Slowly, tears start to fall from his eyes and his body shook in sadness. He felt that he was a bad grandfather to his only granddaughter but hearing Gil's assurance that Hinako doesn't hate him, he was relieved. He was sorry for not reaching out to her all these months.

"You keep that picture. I want you to have it," he says.

"What? But I couldn't possibly-"

"Keep it, Douji-san. I may have only known you a couple of days but after talking to you, I feel relief in knowing that I can entrust Hinako to you."


"We will support Hinako in her studies on our end. She's a grown woman now and we trust her with the things she'll do in life," Hinako's grandfather approaches Gil and places a hand over his shoulder. "Promise me that you'll look after her."

Gil looks at Hinako's grandfather before looking at the picture again. He focuses on Hinako's little self and smiles. "I'll look after her, I promise."

January 2, 2017 - Late Afternoon

Hinako, Gil, and Dio boarded a train that leads back to Kumamoto prefecture, where Fuyuki city is. The little Douji was sleeping beside Hinako with his head over her forearm. He was exhausted after a slight sightseeing in Tokyo before heading home and it took quite a toll on him.

"I have to ask you about something, senpai," Hinako starts.

Gil was looking at the view outside before changing his direction to look at the brown-headed woman in front of him. "What is it?"

"What were you doing in Karakura? And how did you find my grandparents' house?"

"Oh, that?" Gil, then, returns his look at the view. "I simply decided to follow you."

Hinako blinks a few times, holding back the blush that has started to paint on her cheeks. "Why would you follow me? I told you that I'll be back after New Year's day."

"I wanted to," he simply replies, still not looking at Hinako. "Is it bad that I went to your place because I wanted to spend Christmas and New Year with you?"

The brown-headed woman couldn't contain her blushing cheeks as she suddenly looks to the right. "I-It's not bad, senpai. In fact," a smile pulls on her lips as she places a hand over her chest. "I was so happy to see you by the front door of my grandparents' house."

Fate/Stay Gakuen | Gilgamesh x OC: Hinako Suzuhana (AU)Where stories live. Discover now