Chapter 1

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Today is the last day of school before the summer holidays. Im so excited to visit Emma. Its gonna be great. And I really need to forget everything what happened this year and with Ems I hopefully will. We only had our tutor today so we actually could chill the whole time. I talked with my best friend Demi what she is dong on the holidays and her plans are all with her boyfriend James. She thinks that he is the right one for her but I have the bad feeling he just wants this one thing. But Im her friend so I have to support her. This is why I wont tell her my feeling, it would just make her angry. In the short break we decided to go outside. There stood Bandon - my ex-boyfriend- . "Aww Selena. U look great today. I think we should come back together. Come over here." He said and all his friends were laughing. He broke me so damn much. Why should I go to him? To feel all the pain again? No thanks! I took Demis hand and went back inside. I hate him for saying that but Im glad I ignored him. The last lesson began and our class were counting down the last minute. Then the bell finally rang and everyone ran out. Me and Demi just laughed and went slowly out too. My mom picked me up cuz she wanted to bring me to the train station right after school. I hugged Demi and said her goodbye. Then I got in the car and we drove away. When I arrived at the right station here in Texas and scared I wouldn't find Emma. But it didn't take long until I saw her and we both started screaming cuz we didn't see us for years. After a long hug she looked at the boy next to us who was staring on me. She and her mom laughed so I did. His name was Justin and he was actually very cute. But I should stop thinking bout boys. I will never find the right one and I really don't want anymore. I mean.. sure I want but every experience of me with a boy is not good to remember. I always got hurt and replaced. Im not sure if I will even try it with another boy in the next time. Anyway, back to the present. Justin and Eva - my aunt - took my bags so me and Ems could fooling around like we always did. I love her soo much. She always can make me feel better. With her I can be myself also when we are together a bit crazy but that's normal lol. When we arrived at Emmas I didn't except anything but there were a big party just for me. I didn't know anybody there what was actually very good. Emma started laughing cuz all boys there were staring on me. Some immediately came closer to talk to me. Emma left me with them alone. "Hey sexy ladie" "U have a boyfriend" "Wanna go out" they were saying. "No thanks" I replied and walked to the meal. I was very hungry after the long drive to Texas.

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