Chapter 22

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It was now Monday and I was heading down the stairs to leave for school. I head to my car and got in. Ethan had brought my car home on Saturday and told me that he got the problem fixed. I was glad that it was in working condition again.

I drove to school and parked in the parking lot and got out. My friends walked up to me as soon as I got out. They both hugged me and greeted me.

"We won't have first lesson today. Principal Lowe is keeping a special assembly this morning." Amber informed me.

"How do you know this?" I asked as we began to walk to the school's door together.

"I heard some students talking about it." She replied. We entered the building and went to homeroom for roll call.

When roll call was almost done, I heard the principal's secretary's voice over the intercom. "All students please report to the auditorium for an assembly." The teacher let us out of class and my friends and I walked in the direction of the auditorium.

We were almost at the auditorium's door, when Ethan came up beside me, slipping his hands in mine. "Hey." He said in greeting. He was wearing a brown beanie on his head and I must say it looked cute on him.

"Hi." I smiled at him. He returned my smile and we walk in the auditorium. I sat down on a seat in the middle of the auditorium and Ethan sat beside me. My friends were on my other side.

After five minutes of waiting and talking to my friends, our principal finally made his way up to the microphone on the stage.

"Be quiet now students." Principal Lowe said to quiet down the murmurs in the auditorium. When he said that everyone quieted down. "I'm not going to keep you long. I just want to mention a few things and make an announcement."

"I'm sure it won't take long." Ethan grumbled beside me.

I turned around and slapped his chest, "Shhh. Behave yourself." I said in a playful tone.

"It's the truth." He said and I shake my head and laughed. He was right. Principal Lowe had an habit of making long speeches and keeping us long. He was one of those people that would say that he would only be five minute more and that five minutes turns into an hour.

"I wanted to inform you students that this year we are going to conduct our teacher of the year award in late April, instead of early May like we always do." Principal Lowe continued. "This is so, because the sophomores will be embarking on a trip at the beginning of May."

Murmurs were heard throughout the auditorium, before he spoke again. "Now for the announcements. I would like you to give a round of applause to our football team, who went to the championship games last week and came back victorious!" Loud applause went up in the auditorium and some of the boys banged on desks. "On a similar note, I would like to congratulate one of our seniors, who went to a dance competition and won." Everyone clapped again and Amber bumped her shoulder with mine. I had called Ms. Wilson on Saturday and told her of my win, so I guess she was the one that inform the principal this morning.

"Jessica Parker, can you please stand up so everyone can see you," Principal Lowe said. I stood up and the students cheered louder. "Well done, Jessica." Principal Lowe nodded. I nodded my head and sat back down.

Ethan took back my hand in his and gave it a squeeze. I looked at him and he smiled, his eyes sparkling with pride.

I smiled back at him and rest my head on his shoulder as our principal started to talk about exams such as what to do and what not to do.

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