Chapter 25

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On Thursday, I got ready for school and went downstairs to get breakfast. I ran into Tamara in the hallway and we went to the kitchen together.

Mom was at the stove cooking and smiling to herself when we got to the kitchen.

I gave her a weird look, "Mom, you're happy. What's up?" I asked.

She turned around to face us and her smile broaden into a grin. "Jared proposed to me last night." She informed, holding her hand up to us.

"No way!" Tamara screamed as she ran over to mom and hugged her.

My eyes widen, "That's great, Mom." I went over as well and joined in the hug. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks girls." She said, then pulled away.

Tamara smiled at Mom. "You really do love him, don't you Mom?" She asked.

Mom nodded her head, still smiling. "Yes. I didn't think that I could love anyone else after your father, but I was wrong." She said as she went back to the stove to finish cook.

"Dad would be happy for you." I replied. I know he would. Dad was always happy, when Mom was happy. Mom finished cooking and we sat down to eat. "When is the wedding?" I asked.

"We haven't set a date as yet, but it is in June." Mom answered.

"A June wedding! We have to start getting prepared." I said, excitedly.

"Honey, June is three months away. Why the hurry?" Mom asked.

"Mom, it's your wedding day. It should be special. You want to remember it for the rest of your life, so it should be well organized and well planned." I said in a 'duh' tone as I took my empty plate to the sink.

"Jess is right." Tamara said, following behind me. "Oh my God! There is so much to think about. Themes, dress, music..."

"When we come from school we will talk about it." I said to Tamara, taking up my bag and walked to the front door.

"Definitely." Tamara said as she took up her bag as well. We both waved to Mom as we left the house. I saw mom shaking her head at us as I closed the door.


School had ended and I head to dance class. I was now in the locker room changing my clothes, when the door opened. Tiffany, a girl in my dance class entered. She smiled at me and started changing as well.

"I'm really sorry about what Noah said about you. He's a gullible idiot, who listens to every news." She spoke to me after a while.

I looked at her with a confused expression, "What are you talking about? Who's Noah?" I asked.

"The boy that Ethan was fighting." She explained.

"What did he said about me?" I questioned.

She turned to face me. Now it was her turn to be confused, "You don't know?"

"No," I shook my head.

"There was a rumour going around that you didn't deserve to win at the dance competition. You only won because you slept with the judges." She confided.

"What?!" I asked shocked at what I was hearing. "Who is spreading this rumour?"

"I don't know." she shook her head. "So anyways, Noah was in the locker room talking about how you were a slut for doing that. He was saying some rude comments and nasty remarks about you. He was even helping to spread the rumours."

"So, how did you know this?" I asked.

"My boyfriend is on the football team. He was there when it happened. He told me everything." She replied. "The way how I heard it, Ethan punched him as soon as he heard what Noah was talking about and the fight started instantly."

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