Chapter 20

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I woke up at 8:00am on Friday morning with a heavy heart. Today was the dance competition and I was beyond nervous. I was not going to school today. I had wrote a letter to the school requesting permission.

I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom. I walked up to the mirror and looked at myself. "Okay, Jessica. Today was the day. You have worked so hard for this day and you are going to do your best." I took a deep breath. "Now wash away all your nervousness and go and get this."

I turned from the mirror, took off my clothes and stepped into the bath. After a nice warm shower, I was feeling relaxed and refreshed. I left the bathroom and went into my room. I got dressed into a grey tank top and a black sweatpants. I put on my brown sweater over it and went to my closet for my gym bag.

I put the gym bag on my bed and went back to my closet to take out the outfit that I had bought and placed it neatly into the bag. I put the shoes that Dylan bought me in there also. I looked in my drawer for my towels, but didn't find them. They must be in my locker at school. I'll just stop by school on my way and picked them up. As soon as I was ready, I went downstairs.

I went into the kitchen to see my mom and Tamara. Tamara was sitting on one of the stools behind the counter eating her breakfast and mom was washing some dishes. "Morning." I said as I got my breakfast.

"Morning." They both responded.

"Feeling ready for today?" My mom asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Good to hear." Mom smiled. "I want you to be confident out there and have fun. Remember it's not only about winning, it's about doing your best."

"I will, Mom." I replied. I took my plate and sat beside my sister.

"I can't wait to see you dance." Tamara said. I looked at her and give her a smile. Mom turned off the pipe and turned to me.

"Tamara and I will be leaving shortly. I have some errands to run this morning, so we will see you there." She said.

"Okay." I replied. Tamara stood up with her empty plate and brought it to the sink. She and Mom went back upstairs to finish up.

When they came back downstairs, I had finish eating and was washing the plates. "Bye dear." Mom called from the living room.

"Bye Jessie!" Tamara called too. "Good luck."

"Bye and thanks." I called after them. I continued to wash the plates, then went back upstairs to brush my teeth, finish getting ready and gathering the things that I will be needing today. My friends had called me last night and told me that they will meet me there. They wanted a good seat, so they probably left already. Mom had invited Jared, so he will be there. Ethan said he was going as well. I was glad that I would have a lot of people there to support me.

When I was ready, it was 10:00am. I got the things in my car and drove to school. As soon as I reached school, I parked in the parking lot and got out. I went into the building and head for the gym locker rooms. I opened my locker and took out the two towels that I was looking for. I had brought them to school as emergency, but have never used them.

When I left the school building, I head to my car and noticed that the alarm was blaring in the parking lot. I shut off the alarm and went to examine the car. Everything was still there and everything looked okay. The parking lot was empty, so maybe it was some skate boarder kids who rode too close to my car and bumped it.

I opened the trunk and put the towels in the bag. After closing the door, I went around to the driver's side and got in. Starting the engine, I put the car in drive and left the parking lot. I looked at the time on the dashboard and saw that it was 10:30. I had good time. I wanted to reach there by at least 12:00 and I remember that it took a hour and a half to get there.

Half hour into my journey, I saw the light on the low level oil indicator, flashing on my dashboard. Normally, when the light flashed, it means there is a problem under the hood. Oh God, why would there be a problem? I tested the oil level this morning and it was okay. The car began to make some squeaking and knocking sounds, so I pulled over. I shut the engine off instantly and got out. I opened the bonnet and went to the front of the car to check it out. I checked the oil tank and saw that it was empty. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

No freaking way!

Okay, calm down Jessie. I always keep a jug of oil in the trunk of my car. I opened the trunk and went around the back of the car, but when I looked in the car, it was empty. I did not see my jug of oil. I went back to the front to see what could have caused the problem and saw that the oil had leaked out and it looks like molasses was in the oil filler. Oh hell no! There is no way molasses could be in the oil filler. A thought then struck to me.

Unless someone tampered with it.

I slammed my hands down on the car and groaned out in frustration. There is only one person who could have done it. It was none other that Ramona and if it isn't her then my name isn't Jessica Miranda Parker!

I looked out on the street, to look if any cars were coming, but this was a back street, cars rarely drove here. I sighed heavily and took out my phone. I dialed Amber's number.

She picked up on the second ring. "Hey Jess."

"Amber I have a big problem." I said without preamble.

"What is wrong?" She asked becoming alert.

"My car has broken down and I don't know what to do." I said with a sigh.

"What?!" She yelled into my ears. I heard talking on the other end of the line and it sounded like she was talking to someone. Probably Dylan. "What happened?" She asked me.

"The oil pressure is low. The oil had been leaked out and it seems like someone put molasses in the oil filler." I explained.

"Who could have done that?" She asked.

"Take a wild guess."

"Ramona?!" She shrieked.

"That's who I thought. She is the only one that would want to sabotage me." I stated.

"That bitch!" Amber expressed.

"Can you or Dylan come for me?" I asked.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"I'm on Longbrooks Avenue." I said.

"Jessica, that's an hour away and it's fifteen minutes pass eleven. By the time one of us come for you and head back, it will be too late." She explained.

"Oh Amber, what am I going to do?" I asked. "If I'm not there by 12:30 for registration, I'll be disqualified from the competition."

"I'll think about something. I promise, Jess. If you get something though, let me know, okay?" Amber replied.

"Okay." I said and hang up the phone. I walked over to the banking and sat down.

I placed my head in my hands. I can't believe I'm going to miss the competition. I can't believe because of Ramona and her selfish ways everything that I have worked so hard for will go down the drain. I sighed again feeling down.

This is hopeless!

A/N: Hi 👋

What did you think about this chapter?

I was going to make this chapter be the competition, but I changed my mind at the last minute and decided to split it, because one, it would have been too long and two, I really wanted to update for you guys. :)

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Love always


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