Chapter 12

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"Mom! Can you give me a ride to netball practise today?!" Tamara shouted from the top of the stairs on Saturday morning. I was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching television.

"I can't today, honey." Mom answered from her room. "I'm leaving to go out now. Ask your sister." Tamara skipped down the stairs and came over to me.

"Can you?" She asked hopefully.

"Sure. I'm going shopping for my dance outfit today anyways, so I will drop you off on the way." I answered.

"Oh good." She sighed and plopped down on the couch beside me. She took up the remote and change the channel.

"Hey! I was watching that." I protested, reaching for the remote.

Tamara rolled her eyes and handed back the remote. "Fine." She turned to look at me. "How is practise by the way?" She asked.

"It's great. Progress is making." I replied.

"Cool." She turned back to the television. "And what about the motorbike guy, anything going on there?" She wriggled her eyebrows.

"Ethan. His name is Ethan and no, nothing is going on." I said giving her a look.

"Okay, I thought there would be. I mean it's not everyday you ride home with a boy on a motorbike." She smirked.

"Tammy!" I exclaimed, hitting her with the pillow on the couch.

"Okay, okay." She held her hands up in surrender. "I get it. There is nothing going on." She laughed. I shook my head at her and continue watching the television.

A few minutes later, I turned to Tamara again. "Speaking of which, you haven't told me what happened with the boy in your math class." I asked.

"I did speak to him like you said and surprisingly he talked back to me." She said. "We are friends now. We hang out a lot."

"That's good." I responded. Just then my mother came downstairs.

"Okay girls, I'm leaving now." She came and stood in front of us. "I need to talk to you both when I get home, okay?" She asked. It was something serious. I could tell from her facial expression.

"Is everything okay, Mom?" Tamara asked, sensing Mom's seriousness too.

"Yes everything is fine. Later okay?" She replied.

"Okay Mom." We both said.

"Alright bye. Love you both." She said as she walked to the door.

"Bye mom. Love you too." Tamara replied.

"Love you too." I said. She opened the door and left.

Tamara turned to me, "I wonder what's that about." She wondered.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I replied. We continued to watch TV for an hour, then we went up to our rooms to get ready.

Half hour later, I was driving to Tamara's school. As soon as I reached, I parked the car and she got out.

"I'll pick you up later, okay?" I asked.

"Okay then. Bye." She said and waved at me. I waved back and drove to the mall, where I was going to meet my friends.

I had asked my friends to accompany me shopping. I most definitely wanted Dylan to come because if anyone was good at fashion it was Dylan. Getting a look pass him is like getting all your teachers to don't come to school for a week: Not possible.

I pulled into the parking space of the mall ten minutes later and got out. I looked at the time and saw that it was five minutes to two. My friends should be here soon. We had planned to meet here at 2pm. Just then, I saw Dylan's black Range Rover pulled into the parking lot. He got out and I walked over to him. As soon as I reached his car, Amber drive into the parking lot too.

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