Chapter 10

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My friends and I decided that we are carpooling today. We decided that they will carpool with me, so I was now driving to Amber's house to pick her up.

I was at her house in ten minutes and I honk the horn for her to come. Amber did not exit her house as yet, so I honked again. A few minutes later, Amber came running from her house. She came and sat in the passenger seat of my silver sedan.

"Geez Amber, what took you so long? You want us to be late?" I scold her accusingly.

"Calm down. It was only five minutes." Amber rolled her eyes and I glared at her.

"Whatever." I said as I pulled from her house and drove to Dylan's. As soon as we reached Dylan's house, he got in.

"Hello girls." He greeted, giving  us a big smile. We greeted him back and I drove to school.

We reached school and I parked in the parking lot and got out.

"Hey, so who is driving tomorrow?" I asked when all of us was out of the car.

"I am." Amber replied as we walked to the school doors.

"Okay. Dylan you are Monday." I said looking in his direction.

"No problemo." He said. We were walking down the hallway to our lockers, when I turned to my friends.

"So you guys are coming to watch me practice later?" I asked.

"Yes of course." Amber stated and Dylan nodded. "I will see you guys at lunch." She added as she waved to Dylan and I.

"Later!" Dylan and I both said. I followed Dylan to his locker and then he followed me to mine.

"Come on, we don't want to be late and anger Mr. Black." I said. Dylan agreed and we head to calculus class.


"Okay class, so an atomic mass includes masses of the three subatomic particles that make up an atom. Who know what they are?" Mrs. Kristy, my AP chemistry teacher asked. It was almost lunch time and I was already drained.

I was busy watching the time for class to be over, while a girl at the back of the class answered. "Protons, neutrons and electrons."

"That's correct, Melisa" Mrs. Kristy replied. She was about to say something else, when the bell rang. "Alright class, please read up on protons, neutrons and electrons in preparation for next class." She said as the students got their things together.

I put my books in my bag and exited the class. I went to my locker to put away my things and then head to the bathroom to wash up for lunch. As I was nearing the bathroom, Ethan passed me in the hallway.

"Hey Red, see you in English class." He said winking at me. Seriously, this boy is always winking. Does he have an eye problem or something?

"Whatever. Just don't be a nuisance." I warned him.

"Ah, what's the fun in that?" He asked grinning.

I shook my head. "After I thought you'd abandoned your annoying ways."

"Never." He smirked and walked away. Shaking my head again, I continued to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom, I saw Ramona inside touching up her make-up. I ignored her and went into one of the stalls. 

When I exited the stall, Ramona was still in the bathroom. She had finish what she was doing and was now leaning on the facet counter, crossing her arms and glaring at me.

"Ignoring me I see." She said.

"Look, I really don't want to argue with you today." I said, as I went up to the facet to wash my hands.

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