Chapter 14

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The following day, I decided to visit the cemetery where my father was buried. I drove my car to a flower shop and bought a bunch of yellow lilies. I left the shop and drove to the cemetery.

The cemetery was a half hour out of town, so it took a while for me to arrive there. However, I finally pulled up at the cemetery at 12pm. I parked my car, took up the flowers that I bought from the passenger seat and exited the car. I walked over to where my father was buried.

As soon as I reach my father's grave, I placed the bundle of flowers on his tomb stone. I then knelt beside the grave.

"Hey Dad," I said quietly, "I miss you so much." I moved from my kneeling position and sat on the grave. "My dance competition is coming up in three weeks. But I guess you already knew that." I chuckled. I then became quiet.

"I wish you were still with us. I wish you were here to see how I've grown. Mom said I have your height." I continued, a smile on my face. "I would talk to you about the competition. I know you would be so proud of me. Tamara has grown into a beautiful young lady too. I knew you would've wanted to be there, to watch her grow. But I'm not sad, because I know you saw all of that. I know you are watching over us and hoping for the best."

"Well, anyway Dad, I have to go now. Wish me luck on my competition. When I am up there dancing, I will be dancing for you, Dad. I know how much dancing meant to you." I patted the grave and fixed the flowers on it. "I love you, Dad." I got up from the grave and walked back to my car.

I was starting to get hungry, so I went back in town to get something to eat. I felt for some donuts, so I drive to the bakery. I pulled up in front of the bakery and got out.

I walked up to the door and pushed it open. I went up to the counter and ordered two donuts.

"Well hello there. Why are we always running into each other. Is it faith?" I heard a voice behind me, as I was waiting for my donuts. I turned around to the person, even though I knew who it was. I knew that annoying voice too well.

Ethan stood behind me, dressed up into a casual blue shirt and blue jeans pants. His hair was his usual messy strands but I had to be honest, he looked gorgeous.

"Take a picture, it last longer." He smirked and I looked up at him, realizing that I had been staring.

"Don't flatter yourself, donkey brain." I replied as I turned back to the counter to take my donuts. I would never give him the satisfaction that he actually looked hot. I turned back to him with the donuts in my hands. "What are you doing here, anyway?" I asked.

"I came to pick up a cake. Today is my mother's birthday. We are having a party." He explained.

"Ah, well that's good." I replied.

"Why don't you join me?" He asked.

"Can't stay away from me, can you?" I teased.

"What? No. I just want someone that is my age to be there. It's so boring with only adults." He explained. I thought about it for a second and realized that I don't have anything else planned for the day, so it wouldn't hurt if I go.

I nodded at him, "Okay." I said and he gave me a wide smile. After he got his cake, I followed behind him in my car. He had drove his mother's car, so he could carry the cake. We reached his house and got out of our cars. I walked with him to his front door.

Ethan opened the door and the living room was bustling with life. Ethan placed the cake on the table and lead me in the direction of where a woman stood.

"Mom, I brought a guest. This is Jessica." Ethan introduces me.

"Oh, hi dear." His mother gave me a warm smile.

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