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I snap out of my reverie and bring my attention back to where I am now. I’m still in the Italian restaurant and it’s still my crown birthday. I notice that it has already started growing dark outside. In a few minutes will be sunset. I rub my temples and then place my hands on the table again. I have the feeling that I am getting a headache and I know it must be because of what I have been thinking about. That time had been a very depressing part of my life and I never want to go back to it again. Ever.

Chace is stroking my arm and I bring my attention back to him.

“You kind of dozed off on me for a few seconds.” He said with a smile.

A few seconds? It had felt much longer than that.

“Please say something.” Chace was nervous; I could hear it in his voice.

I can’t believe it. Things are not making sense. Did Chace say he’s in love with me? I feel my head throb. Oh yes, I am most definitely getting a headache.

“Am I dreaming I ask him?” I know I’m not, but I feel the need to make sure.

“Is it that good?” he chuckles.

What happened to his giggle?

I take a tentative sip of wine so that I can just get my thoughts in order. I don’t know what happens and everything becomes a blur. The next thing I know Chace is on his knees in front of me. He takes something out of his pocket and flips open the little box to expose the dazzling ring it holds.

I cannot believe what is happening.

“Jane, will you marry me?”

I feel like I am going to cry and burst out laughing at the same time. I am aware of the people looking at us and I feel like I am the highlight of their evening.- which I realise, we probably am.

Chace looks at me with this look in his eyes awaiting my answer and I find myself saying yes.

I always knew what I was going to do.

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, tumhe nahim samjoghe.

People are clapping and the waiter is bringing champagne. Chace is back on his seat with a huge grin on his face. The ring is on my finger and my lips are slightly warm from the quick kiss Chace had given me. It held so much promise.

I am like a zombie watching things happen around me. I feel like I am about to faint, but I try and hold myself intact.

A few minutes later we are outside, Chace with his arm around me and the sun setting. There was no way I could have embarrassed him inside.

I lean against the wall and involuntary start crying. Chace strokes my back.

“Baby what’s wrong?”


I start crying more.

I can’t find the words to say so I slip the ring off my finger instead and hand it to him. Hopefully he gets the message. He takes the ring reluctantly and looks from it to me. There’s a confused yet sad look on his face.

I said yes in the restaurant as to not humiliate him, but now I can be honest. At least I gave a few people hope tonight in the restaurant. At least for them there is a happily ever after.


“-I can’t Chace, I can’t.”

“Jane you know me the best. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. I know I messed up in the past, but please. Give me a chance.” He pleads.

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