Chapter 10

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Life had to go on so I couldn’t mope around forever, which I did anyway, just not at school. My night time crying lullaby started again. The sadness was back in my life thanks to Kerry.

“I know you cry at night. I can hear you.” Tisha said to me one morning. “I wish you speak to me.”

I wished so too, but I wasn’t that ready to open up yet.

It was the fourth term so school continued on as per normal. The world hadn’t stopped at all- although it felt so.  One day during first break, Kina, Chace and I had all agreed to meet each other at a certain spot. It was by the stairs near the front entrance. It felt awkward for all of us to be there, about to discuss something that had been a secret- ‘from me’- for months.

“I am aware that you have been saying things about me.” Chace said to Kina.

She looked at him. “I have not been saying anything that isn’t the cold truth.”

“Kina don’t lie.”

“Don’t call me a liar Chace. You gave to me that afternoon to speak about your love problems and like a good friend I helped you out. Don’t say I’m lying because then you are going to make me angry.”

I didn’t see where I fit in being there, but no way was I leaving and missing the action. Kina started wiping her eyes with a tissue she had in her hand.

“Look you’re crying, you are lying.” Chace said to Kina.

“My eyes are tearing because of my sinus.” Kina retorted.

“Sinuses? Kina you’re tearing because you’re lying.”

“I’m not listening to this.” Kina started to walk away. She went up the stairs to the bathroom. I hurried after to her.

“I’m not going to speak to him.” Kina said to me. “He calls me a liar in my face after what I did for him. He’s the one lying in my face. I can’t believe it.”

There was so much conviction in Kina’s tone and I believed her. Not only because I wanted to know that Chace actually liked me, but because I knew she was telling the truth. Chace did things and said things that contradicted what he said about not knowing Kina and calling her a liar.

He seemed to know her pretty well for someone that didn’t know who she was.

During the course of the next few days, Kerry tried to speak to me, but I continued ignoring her. I had never had never really had enemies before, but I now did.

“I don’t know why she’s going so on.” Kerry said to Janitha one morning.

I was standing near them with Jessie. Kerry knew I could hear her.

“No man, it’s unnecessary,” Kerry continued, “She could’ve stopped me.”

I had tried and that didn’t mean she had the right to do it. The nerve of the child! Who did she think she was? The queen of freaking England? Well, even the queen would’ve had more respect.

Matter what, I will always hate Kerry and I hope she one day feels what I do. I know I shouldn’t wish pain on any other person, but Kerry’s not a person. She’s a heartless spoiled brat!

I had been waiting for the one thing that was going to ruin everything and it had been there all along; in the form of Kerry. I f I would have known, I would have eliminated the threat a long time ago.

“There’s a movie I just thought of that you should watch.” I said to Tisha one afternoon in our room.

“What is the name?”

“Kuch Kuch hota Hai.It’s a Bollywood movie and it’s so sad. It’s about this guy and girl in college that are best friends. Then the girl falls in love with the guy, but the guy falls in love with a new girl that becomes their friend. The other girl then leaves and the guy and this other girl get married. But then the guy’s wife dies and this guy and the girl that was his best friend meet again after eight years I think. It’s an awesome movie.”

“I wonder why you want to watch it…”

“Hey, I watched it already. I recommend you to too so I’ll try and get the movie from Zara, I’m sure you’ll love it.

“Are you and Kerry not speaking yet?” Tisha approached a topic I wasn’t really eager for.

“No and I don’t plan on speaking to her anytime soon either.”

“I wouldn’t if she did that to me also.”

There was a teeny part of me that still hoped Chace would speak to me, but this teeny part of me soon realised it wasn’t going to happen. I wanted it to more than anything, but they say wishes are for fairytales, and dreams are meant for sleeping.

Happy ever afters might work out for others, but not for me.

Happiness and me, like Chace and I, isn’t meant to be. It’s what I call the Ugly truth.

One morning at school, Kerry came over to me and apologised sincerely- well what was sincerely for her. I told her it was okay, but I lied. We started speaking after that, but things were never the same again. Honestly, I was never going to forgive her.

Saying sorry doesn’t make everything okay. It doesn’t change what happens. It merely means that there is regret on your behalf. When you say sorry, it’s another way of admitting you wish you hadn’t done that.

Regret is a good thing, but it comes too late.

One day, Tisha and I were at the house of my best friend Sophia. Sophia was born in Spain, but moved to South Africa at the age of six. Her father was South African, and mother Spanish. We had been friends ever since grade one and like me, Sophia was crazy.

It was on that day- with my phone on her bed- that Sophia met Chace.

Being my best friend she already knew Chace from what I told her about him, but that day she spoke to him herself.

With my phone there, it was the perfect opportunity.

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