Chapter 11

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When I came back to Sophia’s room from the bathroom, my phone was still on her bed. Tisha and Sophia were deep in conversation. I sat down on the bed and picked up my phone, there was a message received from Chace just a minute ago. I opened it.

Sure thing. See u then… oh and, it’s on!

I was so confused. Where exactly was he going to see me and what was on? Clearly I had missed something. I sent him a message back.

Uhm Chace, what r u talkin bwt?

Not too long afterwards I received another reply.

Sori, wrong msg. So wudn?          

And so the conversation was steered back to normal. I replied to him with what I was doing and then I joined in on the conversation between Tisha and Sophia. A short while later we went to the dining room to have some supper and then we headed back to Sophia’s room with snacks. There was a mattress on the floor that we were all lying on.

“How about a movie guys?” Sophia suggested.

“Yes a horror.” I agreed. I wasn’t in the mood for anything soppy.

“A horror? I won’t be able to sleep Jane and I’m in the mood for something happy.” Sophia replied. “It seems like Tisha is the tie-breaker.”

Both of us looked at Tisha. She looked confused.

“What movie do you feel like watching?” I asked her.

“Not scary.” Tisha answered.

“Well then that answers that.” Was Sophia’s remark.

In the end we watched a comedy. That was better than a soppy romance and we met each other halfway. The movie was hilarious so it helped lighten my mood from the previous few weeks. I needed to relax right now. At the end of the movie, we had a little conversation. The light was off and all of our heads faced the ceiling.

“So Jane.” Sophia began. “This Chace guy is a total jerk.”

“Where did this random thought come from?” I asked her.

“It’s not random, it’s the truth. I was just thinking about what you told me and I finally came to a conclusion. Not only is he a jerk, he’s a coward, an ass and a pathetic excuse of a guy. That brings me to Kerry, why are you even friends with her?” Sophia sat up and leant on her elbow.

“It’s complicated. She’s kind of just there. I don’t really socialise with her.”

“I think I understand.” Sophia directed the next question to Tisha. “Tisha do you like Chace?”

“I did think he very nice, but he rude. He make rude jokes and I think, I think he think he very clever yes.”

“Hi five girl. Now we should just try and get it into Jane’s head. Do you think we could do that?”

“She love him so I don’t know.”

“Stop caring about him.” Sophia fake hit me on the head.

“Trust me, I’m trying.”

The next day it was back home and the day after that it was back at school. School meant seeing Chace and Kerry. The two people I wanted to see the least for different reasons. The day was like any other school day, except I didn’t bother asking Kina anything. There was no need to anymore. It was so sad. Gone was my closure. About two weeks later I received a message from Chace.

Hey. Just thought u shuld knw tht a frend calld Sophia has been botherin me.

At first I was confused, but then I figured it out. The day that I had been by Sophia, she must’ve been on my phone. It angered me slightly that she spoke to him behind my back. It also meant that the message he had sent me at first on that day, had been meant for her. I sent Sophia a message.

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