Chapter 18

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Monday after school, I had a terrible headache. It was probably because I was stressing too much. I had homework to do (a lot) and I was super duper hungry. So while Tisha went to the bedroom, I went to the kitchen and took two pain pills. My mother immediately got started on supper so I went to the bedroom. There was no point in grabbing a snack now; all it would’ve done was ruin my appetite. The hunger and waiting was going to allow me to enjoy the food more.

In the my bedroom, Tisha was sitting on her bed. I went to my bed and just spread myself out on it.

“You okay?” Tisha asked me.

“I have an annoying headache and I’m tired.” I added. “Oh yeah and I’m hungry, but that’s the least of my problems.”

“Do you want from my ointment? It helps with the headache.”

I nodded.

Tisha took a small red round tube out of her cupboard and after opening it, handed it to me to take some out. It looked like Vaseline or rather, vix.

“You take some and then rub it on the sides of your forehead. It burns the headache away.”

Since the headache tablets weren’t working for me, I tried it. This seemed to be more promising. It did burn at first, but it was a more pleasant burn.

“Thanks.” I said to Tisha.

“You have homework?” she asked me.

“Unfortunately yes.”

I started with my homework soon after our conversation. I just wanted to get done with the time-consuming homework, eat and then go sleep.

I didn’t tell you how things were between Chace and Tisha at school. The two completely ignored each other. Chace kept complaining to me about how much he hated Tisha and Tisha complained to me about how much she hated Chace.

I sided with one of them.

I’ll let you figure out who.

One day Tisha and I had gone to sit in the library passage. One on my friends, Eliza, was sitting in the passage when we got there. Eliza, unlike Kina and Art, was Tsonga and Eliza was the kind of person that spoke her mind. Sometimes Eliza stated things matter-of-factly without realising she was offending the person she was speaking to. Eliza said things like:

“Oh your hair actually looks nice today.”


“Is that your brother? But he looks so nice.”

My friends and I understood Eliza so we never took what she said to heart.

“Hey Eliza.” Tisha and I greeted her as we sat down against the wall near her.

“Oh hey guys.”

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

“I’m just doing my Physics homework.”

“Oh Physics.” Physics was not one of my favourite subjects.

Eliza took an orange out her bag and started peeling it. I wasn’t one to eat oranges as it made my hands sticky. I didn’t like it when my hands were sticky.

“So what are you guys doing here?” Eliza asked us.

“It’s windy outside so we came inside to wait for my mother.” I answered Eliza.

A while later Chace entered the passage and took residence just opposite us. He sat next to another Korean girl- Eu-Jin I think her name was. Chace was going to help her with some Math work that she struggled with. He tutored her.

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