Chapter 3

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I don’t think anyone will ever know the way Chace makes me feel. There are times when I’m sitting down and he’d walk pass, then I’d hope he’d greet me. Why don’t I greet him first you ask? Well it’s simple really. It took a lot of me to admit my feelings so it just feels weird to greet him first. Even at school when I pass my class in the mornings, I walk straight pass him pretending that I don’t see him. What else can I do? It might be interpreted on his side as if I’m no longer interested, but in actual fact it’s the opposite.

The only time we are ever buddy-buddy is in English class, furthermore it’s like we don’t exist to each other. The only other time he’d ever approach me besides in English class, would be when I’m in a group with friends that are his friends too, or when he needs something. I, being the fool that I am, totally submit to him. I do almost anything he wants me to because I care about him that much. Pathetic hey? But I can’t help it. Love makes you do pretty stupid things. Sometimes these stupid things are quite sweet, but other times they’re just plain stupid actually. In my case it’s mostly the latter. I’m pretty sure he laughs in his head every time I agree to do something for him. It’s not like he ever does anything for me, but then again I never do ask him to. All my best efforts were in vain.

Not only did he hate me, but I did too.

When you really love someone, it’s like nothing really matters. Not their mistakes, nor yours. No one else will ever be able to take their place.

It was a few weeks later, on a Wednesday and I was making my way to Accounting. Chace did Accounting too, but we weren’t in the same Accounting class.  I stood outside with the rest of the class until we had to go in. Once inside I went to my desk which was in the second row, second from the wall, on the right. On my right sat Art. Kina’s seat was empty. It was typical, she was always late. A few minutes after the bell rang, she came modelling in.

“You’re early,” I said sarcastically to her as she took her seat.

“Kina’s always late,” came Art’s remark.

Our Accounting teacher, Mrs Hynz, beckoned us to be quiet and take out our books. Once we did so she asked for Art’s books to mark from there. I thanked my lucky stars that she hadn’t asked for mine. It was so close and I hadn’t done my homework. As Mrs Hynz started reading out the accounts and their figures, I noticed that Kina hadn’t done her homework either.

“Not only were you late, but you didn’t do your homework either,” I whispered to her. Glancing at Mrs Hynz to make sure she hadn’t seen me.

“Look who’s talking.” She replied.

“At least I wasn’t late”

She stuck her tongue out at me and then smiled.

Once Mrs Hynz was done reading the answers, she handed Art back her book and then told us to do the next exercise for homework. Of course I wasn’t going to do it then so I kept myself busy by having a conversation.

I turned to Art. “Did we have Physics homework?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Art never did her Physics homework. Most of the time I didn’t do my Accounting homework again and then we swapped homework to copy. It wasn’t that I didn’t understand what we did in Accounting, I was just never in the mood to do homework. I preferred to lie in bed and write poetry or just listen to music. It was always soothing and made school life bearable. At that moment I could just take the day’s happenings into perspective and just cleanse myself from it.

I took out my Physics book to check if in fact we had homework. We did. Since we had Physics after break which was after Accounting, I did it then nit wanting to sacrifice my break.

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