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Chapter Six: Kai

Just telling Andi how good a hamburger sounded right then, Kai looked over to see she had fallen asleep, her head resting on the suitcase. He felt a warm glow of happiness, pleased to have met someone who seemed decent before even boarding the plane, although she was a little strange.

Kai suddenly glanced around; he always liked to know what was going on in his surroundings. Many kids sat alone while others were grouped together, and they all seemed to be about his size or smaller, at least in height.

In all honestly he was scanning the waiting area for Josh. He had seen him earlier when they first got into the airport, looking around lost yet staring at everyone menacingly. Kai almost considered helping him with his bags when he saw that Josh's pudgy and beefy hands could hardly fit around the suitcase handle, but Josh quickly turned as if almost sensing Kai and immediately started to crack his knuckles while giving him a death stare.

Even though Josh knew Kai was stronger, he never backed down. Kai figured it probably would be a bad idea to get in a fight with Josh and get kicked out of the Academy before it even started, so he quickly turned to the nearest person.

At first Andi's appearance had startled him— she had small hazel eyes hidden behind large, purple colored glasses. Her hair was a wavy strawberry-blonde that met her shoulders and her skin was pale and smooth; she was wearing wool leggings with knee high boots and a warm looking trench coat.
He, on the other hand, was wearing tattered jeans, a dark red hoodie and sneakers.
Kai continued to look around, noticing that everyone had about two bags each, all bulging with materials the letter said to bring. Now that he was finally here, after a painfully long and silent car ride with Miss Chloe, he began to feel jittery with nerves. Not to mention the rumbling of his stomach told him he shouldn't have missed out on breakfast and now—glancing at his watch—lunch.
It was almost 2:00pm and he wondered how much longer they would have to wait to board the plane.
Trying to forget about his hunger, Kai replayed his last month at the orphanage in his head.
The time flew by and before he knew it, he had to say good bye. Although, after his altercation with Tyler, things had been a little tense and Kai felt it was probably best that he was leaving.
He especially missed Lucy though, who after some convincing finally forgave Kai for punching Tyler. Lucy was only two years younger than Kai, but the top of her head barely met his stomach.
He tried to tell her that something just came over him when Tyler hit him, something he couldn't control, but her only response was, "Yeah, that's called anger you foul git, and if you can't control it, it will consume you. I just don't want to see you getting in trouble. I know what kind of person you are, but people who don't know you will only see you as someone who has abnormal strength."
Kai was used to Lucy's sharp tongue, but he knew what anger felt like and what he experienced definitely wasn't that.
The day before he left, Miss Chloe and everyone at the orphanage threw him a send-off party, to which Kai was surprised almost everyone was there. The girls gave him teary hugs, the boys gave him firm handshakes, minus Tyler, and they all wished him good luck, apparently no longer jealous of his acceptance. Miss Chloe even gave him a gift — a rubbing stone— "For when you start to lose control. Count to five and rub the stone, it will relax you," she advised him. "I had meant to give you it for Christmas, but I thought it would be better to wait."
How she knew about his issue Kai didn't know, but he accepted the stone happily nonetheless. It was dark grey in color, with a weird bug that Miss Chloe called a termite painted in white. The bug painting was strange, but he didn't get gifts often so he didn't mind.
As he pulled it out of his pocket, Andi let loose a big yawn, startling him and other kids sitting close by. Kai started to laugh along with everyone else, and thinking that these next four years might be the best of his life, laid his head down on his own suitcase and closed his eyes.

"Flight 229, Terminal 4 Gate H13 will start boarding now. All those with seat numbers 1-15 please line up by the sign to the left."
Kai shook awake, scrambling up next to Andi who already was standing, her bags on her shoulders.
"Oh Kai, I was going to wake you when they called our seat numbers, but you were in a deep slumber so I decided against interrupting. They only just now called seats 1-15," she told him.
Still groggy he mumbled, "Er—thanks. You ready to fly?"
Andi's face broke into an unusual smile. "Yes, I very much am. We've been waiting for hours, it's almost 5 now." 
5pm! I slept for three hours...Andi was right, I must have been tired. Kai looked around the waiting area— kids were hectic—grabbing bags, looking at their tickets and running to the line.
Overhead, a woman in a blue skirt and white blouse announced, "All youth with seat numbers 16-25 please step into the line. Make sure to grab all belongings as we will not be coming back."
"We'll be called up next! Let us get closer to the line," suggested Andi.
Kai nodded and grabbed his bags as they began to push through the mass of kids. After another 5 minutes their seats were called. Showing their tickets to the woman, she thanked them and wished them a pleasant flight. Kai went in the small passageway that lead to the plane first, and was met with the cold air of the outside. He finally stepped into the doorway of the plane and was amazed by what he saw— the plane was much larger than he had even imagined. There were two big rows with a walkway in the middle, with each main row made up of three seats. Big compartments were over their seats, filled with the luggage of kids who already sat down. Andi looked at Kai, giving him what seemed to be a forced but encouraging smile, and he walked down the aisle until he saw it, Seats 35 A, B, and C. Andi had A, the window seat, so she put her bags above her and sat down first, followed by Kai in the middle. Kai looked up to see the rest of the kids still trying to find their seats and was filled with dread. Josh was walking right to them.
Oh, sweet universe, do not tell me his seat is next to mine. That would be the last thing I need, Kai thought. Thankfully Josh walked right past him, not without giving Kai a hard shove of course with his bag, and sat down in seat 46C.
Kai let out a big sigh of relief, and Andi said, "Josh, I'm assuming?"
"Spot on," he mumbled back to her. How could a demon child like that have parents, but not me, Kai questioned.
Andi peered at him over her shoulder. "He seems pleasant."
Kai assumed this was sarcasm.
Then, she said, "Don't fret about him, Kai. We're going to a completely new setting. You most likely won't even see him there."
"Yeah I suppose you're right," he replied as a boy sat down next to them in seat C. He had sharp blue eyes and his brown hair was cut short in a buzz. He turned towards them saying, "The name's Benjamin, but you can call me Ben. I'm from Sector 4."
Kai and Andi introduced themselves and gave their Sectors, but they didn't talk much after that; they were too busy looking around and taking everything in.

Twenty minutes later all 200 kids were seated and a male voice came over the intercom:
"Welcome aboard Flight 229, headed towards the Academy for Genetically Gifted Students. My name is John Lansky, and I will be the pilot for your flight." He droned on and on about information about their flight and finally finished with, "You all were specifically chosen for the Academy, so I expect no funny business on our flight, or you will be sent home. Thank you."
After his speech, five women, to which Andi whispered, "They're called flight attendants," instructed everyone with safety precautions and they all clicked on their seat belts as the plane started to move.
Kai gripped his arm rest with one hand and squeezed his rubbing stone in the other, while Andi stared out the window in awe.
"This is quite astounding" she announced. Ben looked as if he might be sick.
Suddenly the plane started gaining speed, the airport and trees out the window looked blurred, and the plane lifted off the ground with a lurch, taking Kai's stomach with it.
Wow, this really is insane. A hunk of metal is flying us through the air, thought Kai as the plane climbed higher and higher into the sky, leaving behind everything he knew.

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