Chapter 15

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We are here in the practice room I'm practicing with Suzy for the performance on Saturday while Hyomin and Soyeon is at the back busy doing something else.

So far Suzy and I are doing great. This is good so that I could be with Jiyeonnie.

After a few minutes we decided to take a water break soyeon handed us the water.

"Gomawo" I said thanking her.

"I think I've seen Jiyeon outside a while ago" she said while looking at the open door where many people are watching.

Jiyeon came here?

But why she didn't come inside.

I decided to look for her outside but she is not here.

"Eunjungie who are you looking for?" Boram who just arrive with a bag of snacks ask.

"I was looking for Jiyeon" i said.

"Jiyeon? I think I saw her with Qri a while ago I don't know where they are going" She said.

Jiyeonnie is with Qri?

"Eunjung Sunbae let's practice again" I heard Suzy call me

"Yeah" I said and go inside and start practicing again.

I can't focus.

Why is she with Qri?

Is Qri making some moves to her?

But didn't she say that she don't like Jiyeon.

Damn it why would she go with Qri?

What are they gonna do?

I stop from dancing.

"What's the matter sunbae?" Suzy ask.

"Suzy-ah let's just continue practicing tomorrow. I have something important to do" I said and run outside to look for Jiyeon.


"What are we doing here?" I ask Qri.

"Like I said we are going to slowly overcome your fear" she said.

She takes me to the theater hall.

We go to the stage.

"There's no one in here just the two of us" she said

"Standing in this stage even doing nothing makes me scared already" I said slightly trembling.

"Jiyeon-ah listen to me you have to do this go to the center and sing or dance" she ordered me but I didn't move.

She holds my hand and take me to the center.

"Alright now close your eyes and think of happy thoughts"

I followed her and start thinking happy thoughts but my fears overwhelms everything in my mind

"It's not working" i said as I am still trembling.

"Then think of Ham Eunjung" I heard her say.

Ham Eunjung her sweet movements

Beautiful smiles and the way she say she likes me.

Her soft kissable lips.

But those thoughts were ruined when the scene of her and Suzy dancing together comes to my mind.

My concentration is ruined and I can't think straight

I open my eyes and found myself in the middle of stage.

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