I slung Henry's arm over my shoulder. To others it would look like I'm helping a drunken friend home. No one should recognize us but there can always be a surprise waiting.

"You need to cut back on burgers." I told his unconscious body in annoyance. He's heavier then expected, plus what's in my bag. This was a work out for me. We still had a few more blocks to go until I can have fun. I let my thoughts drift off to school. Do I want to go tomorrow or not? It'll look weird if I don't show up the day after Henry goes missing. I don't want to go but I'll have to. At least school was about to let out for summer vacation. My favorite time of the year to relax from idiots around me.

I smiled to myself when I finally seen the street sign I wanted. The street itself was awful. Most houses are abandoned and others have drug dealers. I did my research on this block, the house is far enough away from others.

I set Henry's body against the filthy wall as I looked around. The block was empty except for the occasional car passing. Looking at the boarded up house I got to work removing the wood plank that blocked the entrance. It didn't take long and I quickly brought Henry inside. 

After covering the door again I took a flashlight out of my bag. I moved Henry to the basement of the house where a few rats scampered away from us. I striped him of his shirt and took my rope from my bag. I leaned his standing body against a metal pole. Another huff escaped me as I tied his body against the pole which isn't as easy as it sounds.

Once I was sure the knots are tight enough and the pole wasn't going to snap I smiled. I actually felt giddy for this kill. It was exciting to see how long it takes before his heart gives out. I took duck tape from my bag putting a strip on his mouth. I wrapped a fair amount around his wrist. Just for the hell of it I wrapped his ankles together as well. I found the water pipe over his head and busted it knowing the water was still functioning here. It fell on Henry's body wetting him.

Henry groaning surprised me. He was supposed to be asleep for at least another half hour. I guess he's a fighter. His eyes opened slowly but only seeing little because of the dark. I lifted my flashlight to his face making his eyes blink to try and block the light and water. Once he realized how incapacitated he was panic was clear in his eyes. He tried talking past the tape not caring if he wouldn't be heard.

I set the flashlight on a dusty table that was left behind. The angle I put it at was just enough for me to see his whole body clearly.

"Henry are you ok?" I asked him stepping into the light.

The way his eyes widened even more made me want to laugh. It was comical that he was surprised. I held my laugh back as I went closer. I started switching my gloves to rubber gloves keeping my eyes on his.  "Before I start I want to say thank you. You were going to help me if I was really hurt and I want to be respectful and say thanks." I told him letting honesty pure into my words.

It was true, I was thankful. Henry didn't seem to care as he glared at me. He was starting to sweat. It was interesting to see how he was playing the tough guy.  Oh well, he was up so I might as well get started. "When I killed Lisa she just got cut up." his face twisted into deeper worry after hearing my confession. "Don't worry Henry your not getting cut up. At least not like her."

I laughed a little at how green his face looked. If he threw up then he'll choke on it. That'll piss me off, the idiot killing himself. I dragged my bag in his sight. Bending down I ignored his eyes. I took out the thing that was making my bag so damn heavy, a car battery. Still ignoring Henry as he made noise I took out the negative and positive cords.

I set the battery away from Henry by a few feet. I let him watch me connect one end of the cords to the battery. I lifted the other end and stood in front of him smiling.

"If your scared, don't be. It'll be like a little tickle."

Henry shook his head faster the closer I got. I was teasing at this point. When his eyes betrayed him and tears escaped I could feel my high coming. It was a rush of energy that went through me. I only wanted one thing now and that was his life to end.

I do know that this won't kill him but it won't be comfortable either. I touched both ends together and smiled when the sparks came. In a swift movement I let them touch his chest. His body jerked quickly before I took the cords away. I couldn't hold back my laugh this time as I watched him. Before he fully recovered I shocked him again and again. It didn't take long for me to become satisfied with this toy.

I set the cords down then switched my gloves back to my black ones. I put the battery back up thinking of my next move. It was getting late and I didn't want to miss more Criminal Minds episodes.

It was time for my favorite part. I pulled my blade from my pocket and cleaned my blood off it on my jacket. Henry could barely keep his eyes open. I moved towards him and cut the rope holding him up. He fell like a sack of potatoes letting out a groan.

I turned him over on his back ignoring the water that was still leaking. "As much fun as this was we have to end it. School is tomorrow and I'll have to get up early. You understand right?"

Henry barley acknowledged what I said as he tried to get his breathing straight. I didn't pay that any mind as I started bending down over his body. It was almost the same way I did with Lisa. I moved my blade to his face hovering over his taped lips. I changed my mind and went to his ears. The tape on his mouth blocked his screams as I started cutting the soft flesh off. His body thrashed as much as it could but I had the upper hand.

His ears went first, then his eyes. I saved his tongue for last. For the finishing touch I cut his fingers off one by one then slit his wrist. Before he even started bleeding out I made sure I had all my items together and packed up. I was done and now he just needed to bleed out. Facing Henry I watched each second pass until he finally stopped moving. His body stilling as his blood mixed with the water.

I waved at Henry with a smile as I started up the basement steps. I couldn't help but hum as I put the wood blank back in place again once I was out. It took more time then I thought but I don't mind. I took the same walk back to the trees. After covering up the drag marks I made my way home. I was so giddy I had a skip in my step. Today went perfect!

I didn't rush home, even when the sun set. I was close so I didn't worry. Now the only thing to make this night end with a bang was Criminal Minds.

Spencer Reid here I come.

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