It was huge, a big bar with stools fixed in front of it. A big dining setting placed, I bet just for us, a medium sized pool that was lit from the bottom with blue colors and a few wooden shezlongs around it and a couple of them with some chairs and small tables facing the ocean.

Zayn walked a bit fast with my hand still in his dragging me with him to the far set of chairs where we sat away from everyone else.

"Hey you," Zayn smiled looking straight into my eyes once we were alone.

"Hey there stranger." I smiled back taking him in for the first time since we came.

"You like Milan so far?" He asked starting up a conversation.

"It's beautiful." I smiled looking at the amazing view of green mountains just at both sides, the sun setting on our right as the yacht made its way through the water then I looked back at my beautiful man and realized that I would much rather look at him than the view, no matter how beautiful it was., "I would like it better if you were here all the time though."

The words seemed to come out before I thought the through making me blush as I looked at him through my lashes, seeing his cheeky smile made me blush even more giving him the perfect "Is that so?"

Hitting his arm, he laughed whole heartedly at how embarrassed I was feeling, "I'm just messing about babe."

"So, where did you say we were headed Zayn?" My father appeared from nowhere giving me a heart attack as both Zayn and I took a step back being too close to each other before.

"No specific destination. Just enjoying the sunset and having dinner in the middle of the ocean." Zayn pulled a smile.

"Garda." My father said looking ahead.

"What?" Zayn was confused as was I.

"We are in the middle of Lake of Garda, not the ocean." My father had a hint of a smirk while not giving Zayn a look.

Zayn's face heated a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You probably got mixed up. With going all around the world with a minimum sleep schedule and what not." I jumped in to save Zayn from my father sadistic pleasure watching my hubby embarrassed.

"Does the staff you arranged make good tea?" My dad ignored me still talking to Zayn.

"I haven't had one but if you'd like, we could go try." Zayn collected himself fast giving my father a charming smile. No doubt trying to win over my moody father.

"Excellent idea." My father smiled then turned his head to me, acknowledging my presence for the first time since we got here. "Maggie, why don't you join the girls?"

My mouth dropped, I was in total shock at how I was disregarded like that as I watched my father go to the cabin accompanied by my fiancé.

Who was that man? I know my father could be rude, very rude if he wanted. But he was never like that with me. And what was up with his act, wasn't he mobbing all morning? Suddenly he his mood was all better?

And what was so secretive that he didn't want me to hear? Were they going to talk about me?

"Why are you standing all alone?" Ella came to my side after about five minutes of standing all by myself in shock.

"He's having tea with dad?" I questioned rather than replied to her.

"That's, nice I think. Isn't it?" She asked not sure as she couldn't translate my reaction.

"No. it's the furthest from it actually. It's weird." I just now tearing my gaze from the cabin and actually looking at Ella. "Zayn and I were talking and out of nowhere dad appeared and took Zayn to go have tea? I mean how weird is that?"

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now