[Ch. 3] Pizza Night!

Start from the beginning

"They've only been here for like seven hours, and you're already trying to get them in one of your stupid YouTube videos, Mila," Dinah commented.

The two girls then began to argue over how it wasn't just a stupid YouTube cover. I just lied my head on Sofía's lap while she played with my hair. Suddenly, I yawned, and my sister asked me if I was tired. Instead of responding, I just nodded my head. We tended to do that a lot: respond and interact with each other through nods.

"Hey babe, are you tired?" Lauren asked me just as I was drifting off.

"It's been a long day. I think the girls need their rest," Ally motherly assured Lauren and the girls.

"Duh, she's practically in a deep sleep over there," I heard Dinah comment. "I'll carry her."

"No, it's fine. I got it," my sister said, picking me up to prove it.  After asking the girls where our bedrooms were located, she brought me into my room, lying me on what I assumed to be my bed. Her being the loving sister that she was when she wanted to be, she tucked me in and kissed my forehead.

Before I fully opened my eyes out of my sleep, I felt a presence hovering above me. Finally, I opened my eyes to see bright, emerald ones staring back at me.

"Hey Sleepyhead."

"Uh...hi." I replied back, my voice hoarse from just waking up.

"Ally and Normani are downstairs making breakfast. How about you shower and get ready, and then you can come downstairs to eat, okay?" Lauren asked me.

"Okay mo–Lauren." I blushed at my slip up. I could not and would not call her Mom. Mom would've disapproved. I knew she would have. However, Lauren faintly smiled, probably ignoring my mess up. Well, I thought she had ignored it.

"Hey, it's okay. You can call me Mom, Mamá, whatever you want. That goes for you and your sister." She assured. "I don't mind. Well, yeah, it'll take some time to get used to, since I'm only twenty, but I'm sure I can manage." She then brushed a slip of hair out of my face and kissed my cheek.

"Lauren, get your butt down here!" I heard Camila yelling from the stairs.

"I guess I am needed," she said. And with that, she left my room. Finally, I got up, took a shower, and put on my clothes. When I checked Sofía's room, she wasn't in there.

Hmp. She must be downstairs already. Wait, how long have I been asleep?

Once I made it downstairs, I saw that all of the girls were already up. And Lucy was still there. Great.

Sofía gave me a small wave from her spot at the bar.

"Look who finally got up," Normani smirked. "You're worse than Dinah."

"Hey! I just so happen to enjoy my diva sleep."

"Isn't it beauty sleep?" Lucy questioned the blond.

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

Lucy then opened her mouth but closed it immediately. I just chuckled at her cockiness. After sitting on the barstool and eating my breakfast, the girls decided it was best to get ready to go to the mall. Finally, all of the girls were ready to go, including Lucy.

Wait, Lucy is coming too?

"Yeah. She's going to be in town with me for the two next weeks." Lauren explained.

Wait, I said that out loud?

"Babe, I don't know. Dad is saying that I may have a photo shoot next week," Lucy said with a small smile. From the corner of my vision, I could see my sister in deep thought, probably trying to figure out something.

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