Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

But then, on the other hand, Lucy's never really spent time with him, and she is right that this secret relationship we have is only a temporary solution- one that clearly has an expiration date on it.

"You can always tell me off if I've overstepped," Lucy says, reminding me that I've been quiet for too long.

"Luce," I reply softly, "You're a good friend, you know that?"

"I try," she lightly laughs. "But really, I don't mean to be too pushy."

"I think every now and then a push is exactly what's needed," I tell her, and I mean it too. I'm still not totally sure how I'm going to go about this, but at least I feel a little bit clearer in the head.

"Tell me some good news, my favorite lady," I sigh, hoping to change the conversation with some good news. "What's happening on your end?"

Lucy begins to fill me in on the trials and tribulations of the last week, which mostly consist of annoying relatives and dreary weather. There is, however, the excitement of the big winter fair happening this weekend. 

"You should come with me! I'm just a few miles out from it. We could walk!" Lucy squeals.

"You mean no crazy driver trying to send us to our graves?" I playfully gasp.

"Oh god, don't remind me," she moans before breaking into a jingling laugh. "I'll actually have the house to myself for the weekend. My family will be headed into London and they want me to stay back to look after things, which let me tell you," she pauses, her lowered voice making me chuckle, "I couldn't be more excited for."

"You lucky, dog!" I playfully gasp.

"Come stay with me! We'll have such a lovely gals time."

"I'll have to check with Gran, but what fun that would be!" I reply, my eyes floating up to the ceiling along with wistful dreams of fun and freedom. I highly doubt Gran would let me, but it's lovely to imagine.

"Let's make a plan to chat on Wednesday- that way I can let them know if I'll have company and give you some time to work it out with your Grandmother."

"Perfect." I reply, smiling earnestly for the first time in two days.

"Listen, I've got to go, but good luck, and I'll talk with you soon," she says.

"Sure, sure. We'll be in touch."

"Oh and Hazel?" she asks gently.


"You tell that Jack I said to put it where the sun don't shine or else I'm gonna knock him to the moon," she says in a low and serious voice with only a hint of humor.

I burst out into laughter, radiating with a new sense of confidence. "You got it, Luce."

I reach up and place the thick receiver back onto the base, the heavy click of its placement echoing in the empty hall. As I lean my head back against the wall, I stare out aimlessly, wondering just how I'm supposed to act on this new found determination.

"Hazel!" Gran's voice calls up from downstairs. "Could you come here for a moment, I've got a job for you!"

I hop up from my little spot and make my way downstairs. Gran however is nowhere insight.

"Gran?" I call, nearly tripping as I spin around looking for her.

"Back here, dear! In your grandfather's study!"

I mosey down the hallway and turn into Grandfather's room. "Grandfather are you alright?" I ask, quickly making my way over to him as he sits slumped over his desk with his head in his hands.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now