Chapter 22: Second Appointment

Start from the beginning

I rummaged through my closet, finding something descent to wear for my appointment. I pulled out a long sleeved grey shirt and dark jeans. I slid my night gown off and began reaching for my shirt, but Aimee stopped me.

"Whoa...Shadé, aren't you about three months," she asked eyeing my abdomen.

I nodded in confusion. What's wrong?

"You're a little visible," she laughed lightly. "Those babies sure are growing. By the way, what are you naming them," she asked. Of course, Frank told her about my having twins.

I rubbed my stomach gently and looked up at the ceiling, thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking of something that starts with a...V," I replied, looking at Aimee. She had a knowing smirk on her face. "What'?"

She lightly laughed and shook her head, leaning back on her elbows. "Oh nothing, it's just that you're basing your babies' names off of Vincent's name," she said sarcastically.

My eyes went wide in disbelief. "What? No, no, no, I just happen to really like names that start with V's," I said softly as I stared affectionately at my stomach.

"You don't think people will get somewhat know...if the babies' names both begin with V," she asked cautiously.

"Why would they? It's just names." Exteriorly, I seem nonchalant, but inside, I was deeply concerned. What if people did question me about that?

"I'm just saying," she defended as she put her hands up in mock surrender. "Do you have any ideas so far," she continued to ask as I pulled on my jeans.

"Umm...I was thinking...ugh." Jeans were a struggle to get into for me. I heard Aimee laugh at me as I jumped up and down in an attempt to get my jeans on. Once they were on, I joined in on Aimee's laughing fest with a small laugh of my own. "Shut up. Anyway, I was thinking, if they're a boy and girl, I want to name the boy Vernard and the girl Valencia. But if it's two girls, the other will be Veronica. If it's two boys, the other will be Vernon."

Aimee smiled appreciatively at me. "Those are nice names, especially Valencia; it's beautiful," she said, staring at my stomach as she headed to the door. "Don't take too long, Shadé," she said before closing the door behind her.

Before I left the room, I went into my dresser and pulled out the golden padlock necklace. I wore it all week, hoping that Vincent would come home soon.


We were finally ready to leave, much to the pleasure of Frank.

"I don't understand you women. Does it really have to take you forever to get dressed," he asked exasperatedly.

Aimee and I glared in his direction, sending him into a silent statue.

"We're women, Frankie. We have to always look our best before we leave the house; even if we're just going to the grocer's," Aimee explained, annoyed.

Frank suddenly done something that caught me off guard, he pulled Aimee against him by her waist.

"I know, I know. But anything you wear will look good to me," he said as he kissed her on the cheek, causing a fit of giggles to erupt from her.

"Thank you, Frankie. But, my favorite thing to wear is-"

I immediately interrupt her. I felt that this was the right time to cock-block and avoid hearing whatever the hell she was going to say next, which I was afraid of.

"Hey, third wheel over here! When was this," I asked gesturing to the couple.

Aimee looks away and buries her head into Frank's chest, giggling. She looks so happy with him. They're adorable.

I'm Having a Royal Baby {ORIGINAL VERSION; BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now