Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning



"Yes I need the loan before Saturday," I told the man sitting behind the desk. When woke up this morning, I decided to get everything I needed for my party. The first thing that was on my list was getting the money so that I was able to afford everything.

"Well ma'am two thousands dollars by Saturday is a lot of money. Let me remind you that you are currently unemployed and you aren't attending school, how are you going to be able to pay us back, let alone entrance," the man behind the desk asked. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't need his cowlick head ass to remind me that I no longer had a job. This is one of the reasons why I didn't want to come up here. Motherfuckers like him always looking down on a bitch like me.

"Sir, I know I don't have a job. I recently quit, like I told you before. As for school I'm enrolled in New Orleans Community College. I'm looking for a job right now. I guarantee you'll get your money and entrance before next month," I assured him. He placed his hand under his chin as if he was thinking. My leg shook uncontrollably under the table as he looked over the paperwork in front of him.

"Miss Matters, I'm sorry but we're going to have to deny your loan. You aren't eligible for one. I did call NOCC and you are indeed enrolled in the school. I also looked at your resumê and gave Chuck-E-Cheese a call. The manager let me know that you were very rude and disrespectful during your time there," he said. I looked at him confused before shrugging my shoulders.

"Ok, what does that have to do with the loan," I asked before looking down at my vibrating phone. Icy had been blowing my shit up and it was aggravating me. My party was in three days and all I wanted to do was turn up and have fun. After that Icy and I could kick it. I declined his call then looked back at the man behind the desk.

"Well that is on your resumê. It might be hard for you to find a job with things like that listed on your resumê. Miss Matters that's all I can help you with. My final answer is no, now if you would excuse me I'd like to go on my lunch break," he said placing a closed sign on his desk before standing up. I scoffed while he just stared at me, waiting for me to get up. I angrily pushed his sign off his desk and walked out the bank. My nerves was just that bad.

Once I got into the car I cursed under my breathe as I started the car up. I had to raise enough money to get the rest of my stuff for my party and put up for my tuition. Even though Icy claimed that he was going to help me out, I didn't want to keep depending on him. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be with him. I picked my phone up and scrolled through my contacts until I came across Jamal's name. I smiled and quickly called him.

The phone rang a few times before he picked up sounding all depressed and shit.

"Remy," he asked in a raspy voice. I took the phone from my ear and looked at it, like I was tripping. I squinted my eyes and put the phone on speaker. I knew damn well this nigga wasn't over there weeping over Remy's hoe ass.

"Uh no, it Mónéy. Are you ok Jamal," I asked worried. My best friend never sounded so down and even though it was aggravating the hell out of me I still felt like shit. I could careless what Remy felt, but if Jamal wasn't happy then I had to do something about it.

"Mónéy? Mane what the fuck you want? You broke me and Remy up, now I never have a home cooked meal, and my house barely be clean. Mónéy, why would you do shit like that? I thought you loved me," he said. I rolled my eyes and started the car up. I could tell from the way he was talking that he had been drinking.

"Jamal, shut up. Look I'm coming over, so be get up and open the door," I tell him. He mumbled something but I didn't make out what it was, but I'm sure it was something slick. I hung up and made my way to Jamal's place. It took me less than fifteen minutes before I pulled up in his driveway.

I stepped out the car and walked towards his house. As soon as I pushed the door open the foul odor of an unknown substance hit my nose making me want to throw up. It had only been two days since Remy left and within those two days, Jamal turned this place into a stink bomb. I covered my nose and pushed the door closed with my foot.

"Jamal," I yelled to the top of my lungs as I made my way to his bedroom. I pushed the door opened but no one was in there. I frowned and turn around but ended up bumping into Jamal, making me fall backwards into the bed. I looked up at him and then down at his attire. He looked sexy as fuck, and he didn't look sad. He smirked at me and got on top of me. I watched shocked as his lips pressed up against mines. I was going with the flow at first but then I pushed him back and looked him in his face.

"Jamal what are you doing," I asked. He kissed my lips and got off of me. I watched him walk over to his nightstand and pulled out a box of condoms. I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed. I understood that he wasn't himself but I refuse to have sex with him. Every since my first time, I never wanted to have sex with him again. That was the worse penetration of my life.

"I'm finishing what I s-started," he said, his words slurring. I pushed him back and put my hand in my hip.

"Jamal stop it, we ain't fucking. Like I told you the other day, Icy and I are in a relationship and I'm happy," I say. He look at me before shaking his head and leaning up against the dresser.

"Oh so you all happy and shit but you come up here and break Remy and me up. Mónéy you so stupid bruh. Icy don't really love you, and it's only a matter of time before he shows it. You think his world gon' revolve around yo crazy ass, well it ain't. That nigga got a baby on the way with his teenage crush. Yo ass just came around, you think he gon' drop her and his baby for you and all yo issues. Shidd yo ass better think again. You evil and vindictive, we been friends for a while and I know everything about you. You would sell your life just to make shit about you. Admit it, you happy as shit, that DJ's dead, now everything can be about Mónéy, Mónéy, Mónéy. Remy was right, you do like to play victim. Y'all are more alike than you think," he said harshly.

I looked at him in disbelief. My heart was broken into a million pieces. Not because of what he said, but because it was true. I let the tears fall down my face. I slapped the piss out of him before storming pass him and out his funky ass house. When I got into the car I let in all out. I placed my hand over my face and cried my eyes out. My relationship with Jamal had fell apart and thanks to his confession, Icy and me were never going to have one.

The day he came back from the doctor he told me that Chanel wasn't pregnant. I was so happy and excited, because I didn't really want to deal with her. She even left with his mother to go back home. I was beyond hurt that Icy had lie to me about something so serious. I laid my head on the steering wheel and continued to let the tears fall.

I just wished that everything could go back to normal. I wished DJ and my mother was here and I wish CJ was healthy and responding. When I needed my family the most they were nowhere to be found. I wished I was dead or brain dead right along with them. At least I wouldn't have to feel this pain in my chest.







1. Who do you think is helping G out with all this mess?

2. Can Jamal and Mónéy mend their relationship or is it over forever?

3. Do you think Jamal was right, is it really Mónéy's fault because of he and Remy's breakup?

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