
Zayn's Point of View

After Selena had stormed out of my dorm room, Jackie walking in minutes later. She closed the door behind her and went and sat down next to me. "So what happened?" She questioned. "She looked pretty pissed off walking out of the frat, and she gave such a look that if stare downs could kill. I would be fucking dead." Jackie says.
"She's just pied off cause she saw us kissing on the couch earlier." I sigh lying down on my bed, Jackie followed laying next to me onto top of my chest. "She's just jealous, it was written all over her face." I say carelessly.
"Prom queen has no fucking idea." Jackie says. "You like her don't you?" She questions.
"I don't know what Lu-...she's told her about me but she better fuck off." I refrain myself from saying another word regarding her. "She's making fucking difficult for Selena and to really hit it off." I tell Jackie. "Like leave me alone!" I exclaim in anger.
"I'll go over there and pop that bitch in the mouth, I will. You know that." Jackie defends.
"She's not even worth our fucking attention." I sigh.

The door opened and Levi walked in, when he saw Jackie laying on top on me he stopped on his tracks. "Uh...should I leave? You two seem to-..." He pointed at Zayn and I.
Jackie chuckles, sitting up on my bed. "I wish I could say, but I have this class field trip early in the fucking morning that I have to go to. So I can't." She glances over at me then to Levi.
"Have fun." Levi said in relief as he plopped himself on his bed across the room.
Jackie stood up from my bed and fixed her dress, pressing her lips onto my cheek and patting on Levi's leg. "See you two whenever I can." With that she walked off out of our room. '"Stay out of trouble you two." She said before walking out the door closing it behind her.


After Jackie left, I sat there in silence against the wall. While I noticed Levi had already passed out and was probably on his tenth dream. I looked over at the desk in between both of our beds where my notebook sat. I reached for it and the pen, taking it and re-reading the introduction paragraph about Selena. I turned to the next clean page and began writing:

In the time of writing this, it has already been a week since knowing Selena. I can only write about the surface level things that I see in in her from what she's revealed to me about her and what I see in her exterior from what I have noticed about her. Selena wasn't easily driven on persuasion and peer pressure and she stood her ground when she meant something. I would know that now in these past few days. Determination, is what she felt when she needed to get things done.  I haven ever met anyone in my life as determined as her. Compared to myself, she and I are nothing alike, polar opposites in fact. We found ourselves arguing about things all the time, but I guess that is the point of this assignment to find out more about the person you are assigned to work with. For once in my life, I didn't want this project to end because I knew there was nothing we could ever talk about that would help us continue to see each other, at least not at the level that his project has. I have to see her everyday for this project to work, but I know it will all stop afterwards.
It was a pretty long paragraph, I closed the notebook and I tossed it back onto the desk as the light snores of Levi consumed me and I passed out for the night.


Selena's Point of View

I walked into my dorm room and it was empty, Lucy hadn't been back yet. I immediately took off the heels that were killing my feet and took off the dress that now pooled my feet. I grabbed one of my T-shirts and tossed it over my head. I used makeup removed wipes to get rid of the makeup all over my face before I tossed the wipe in the trash can and lied in bed. I noticed the notebook on my nightstand, and it called my name. I reached for it with the pen and turned to the next clean page before I began writing:
Zayn was such a complex person, filled with secrets, darkness and mystery. Every time I tried to have conversation with him he would put up this shield to protect himself for whatever I tried to ask. You can never tell what he's thinking but he can read you from inside and out. He's done it many times and every time I've denied it. However, every time he was correct on what I was thinking. I didn't understand him some times, and we disagreed almost about everything. This project his suppose to work cohesively but when he and I come together to work on this paper, we end up arguing. Zayn wasn't like anything from what people have said about him around his campus, well at least when he was with me. I couldn't decipher him he was a puzzle piece in himself.
I re-read the paragraph before my eyes grew heavy and I had passed out.

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