Chapter 18

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"Ahhh!" Shadow shouted. He stumbled, dropping the princess and clutching his chest in pain.

"Shadow!" Esmeralda cried, rushing to his aid. Shadow put a hand up, his ruby eyes wild.

"No! Run! Get out of here! NOW!" He growled like an animal and arched his back. An awful crunching noise could be heard from him and Esmeralda cried with fright, "Run straight ahead to... the palace. Tell... Sonic... help" He managed out through gasps. He rolled over and released a deafening roar that would put Black Bull to shame. Esmeralda ran as quick as she could as Shadow rolled around in pain in the grass. He felt like he was being crushed from the inside and his blood was boiling. What was happening to him? Was he dying? He wasn't aware Gerald's experiments had expiration dates.

"Shadow," A soft voice echoed in his mind. He clenched his eyes against the pain it brought him.

"I'm sorry Maria. I failed."

"Shadow! No, Shadow!"

"It's okay Maria," He gasped out.

"No! Sit up Hun. Come on Shadow!"

Shadow groaned, "Just let me go already."

There was a sharp sting on his cheek and Shadow opened his eyes. The dim light was too much so he closed them again with a hiss.

"Damn it, Wake up! Come on Shadow, you're not doing this to me now! You're Husband's in trouble! Now get up!"

Shadow wasn't listening. He was enjoying the numbness he was beginning to feel. He didn't want to hear her. Maria hated him now. He'll see her soon so why talk to him now?

"SHADOW! GET UP!" She demanded again. There was a tugging on his arm and he groaned in protest. He just wanted to go!

"Sonic needs you! Light needs you! Doom's gonna kill her Shadow!"


Shadow opened his eyes with slits. The light still hurt like hell but he managed it. He choked out, "Light?"

"Finally got your attention. And why are you calling me Maria?"

Shadow's mind began to clear and he opened his eyes slowly. He expected a soft, innocent smile with blue eyes and a face framed with golden hair. However, he saw concerned, turquoise eyes on a white face and red lipstick.

"Rouge?" Shadow mumbled, dazed.

Rouge laughed without humor, "That's right hun. I found out what's going on but we have to be quick. Don't worry about the princess, she's fine Tails has her. But Sonic and Elise are in danger. If Eggman gets a hold of Light we're all doomed! We need to find Tails and locate Light's emerald."

Shadow nodded and stood up, swooning. Rouge placed a slender finger on her chin, "You're in no condition to do anything."

Shadow was sweating bullets and panting hard, "If you felt like this, and Knuckles was in danger. Would that stop you?"

Rouge looked at the sparkling gem on her left hand and sighed, "No."

Shadow knew she understood, "Where's Tails?"

Rouge hopped up and spread her wings, "This way!" She soared through the trees with Shadow tailing after her.

"Who are you?" Light demanded, holding a defensive stance. The whole group was tense and ready for battle, but there was nothing to fight. Only a disembodied voice.

"Do you know how long I've waited for you hedgehog?" The voice demanded. "I've waited over seventy years! And now, I will claim my prize for my patience!"

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