Chapter 5

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"Damn it!" Shadow cursed the heavens, slamming his fists into the ground, "How could we let this happen?"

Sonic stood off the the side as his husband threw an anger fit. It seems his famous knack for keeping his cool no matter what has left. Sonic knew Shadow had grown accustomed to showing his emotions over the years, but he didn't think Shadow had changed this much, "You didn't even act like this when I died."

Shadow kicked a rock so hard it flew the distance of three football fields, "That was a different lifetime," His voice had returned to normal, but Sonic could still see the flames in his eyes. The team had separated after the battle with Eggman. Rouge had followed the egg head to see what she could find out. Tails headed for his base to track Light and Silver went to check on Amy. That's where things went downhill. Tails contacted Sonic with the communicators they all wore. It seems Robotnick's smarter than he used to be, and a million timed more determined. He had thought to bomb Tails's base before hunting for Light. Even worse, he can track the chaos emeralds.

Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow from behind, "She's smart, tough, powerful and knows what Eggman looks like. She'll be okay. All we can do, is try to stop this as quickly as possible."

Shadow sighed and leaned against Sonic. There was a dullness in his eyes Sonic had never seen before, "We can't lose her," He whispered, "I nearly lost you both once. I can't do it for real. I know what it's like to lose someone important. That was just a friendship. A responsibility. This is my daughter!"

Sonic moved around Shadow so he could face him, "You won't. We won't. We'll protect her Shadow. We've got everyone who cares about her on it and no one's going to rest until she's safe, "Sonic placed his hand on Shadow's face, looking deep into his ruby eyes, "She'll be okay."

Shadow didn't seem to react at first, but his eyes slowly melted and he wrapped his arms around sonic tightly, holding on for dear life.

"Shadow! Shadow come in!" Rouge's urgent voice sounded in the communicator.

Shadow pulled back instantly, "What did you find out?"

"That this is much bigger than we thought! Knuckles is heading your way with the little details but in summary, Robotnick's using the DNA from Light with the power of the chaos emeralds! That means he'll be looking for her shortly. But here's where it gets really interesting. He not only needs her DNA because it has you and Sonic's in it, but the combination has proven to kick start some sort of disease in everyone else."

This was no surprise to either of them. After all, it was a miracle Sonic survived the pregnancy, "What else Rouge?" Sonic urged.

"This is where this plan is being put into action. Eggman's using this disease on the Queen of Soleanna. Sonic, he's using it on Elise!"

Sonic felt as if the weight of the universe had crashed down on him. Not only was Robotnick tracking his daughter, he was trying to take over Soleanna by killing Elise! He looked at Shadow with horrified shock. Shadow looked pissed. There was simply no other word for it. They had to stop this now!

"Another thing Sonic. Do you remember the little adventure Solaris caused?"


"That's what I thought. The thing is, we all shouldn't. After blowing out the flame, Elise destroyed Solaris's existence. Therefor, none of us should remember this, because it never happened! If this is true, how come we all remember it?"

Sonic was frozen in shock. He knew he could remember all of it, but he never thought everyone could, "Are you saying Solaris was never banished?"

"Oh he was banished alright, Blaze made sure of that. Just not in this time. Something must have happened in the dimensions, causing some sort of problem. Because not only do we remember it, but Silver's still here. That may not have anything to do with this situation, but I know it'll cause us trouble in the future once Robotnick realizes it."

Shadow glanced at Sonic, a hint of worry in his eyes. Sonic looked back at Shadow's communicator, "Thanks Rouge. Let us know if you find anything else."

"Sure thing Hun. I'll keep an eye out in the meantime."

The communicator shut off and Sonic's fists clenched, "I think you should find Light. This is much more serious than we thought. I need to get Elise. If we remember, she must too. The reason I should go is because she knows and trusts me."

Shadow nodded, "I understand. But I don't think anyone should look for Light. Robotnick might have spies watching us. We could lead him right to her."

Sonic considered this a moment, "What should you do then?"

Shadow crossed his arms, "I'm going to check in with everyone else. I'll see what I can do after that. I might be able to use some of G.U.N.'s resources."

Sonic nodded. After a moment, he realized that he would have to split from Shadow. he was already away from Light. Now the whole family was separate. He roughly grabbed Shadow by the arm and kissed him roughly, "Stay safe Shadow. Make sure we all return to normal. The whole family."

Shadow wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly, "I will! We'll be a full family again. Just you wait!"

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