Chapter 9

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"Okay, focus!" Shock shouted as Light shot a hot bolt of lightning in his direction. It was hotter than she intended, which explained his shouting. She nearly singed his fur that time. She hadn't been able to focus like before since Buck and Husk had joined. She kept thinking about Shock eyeing Husk like a piece of meat and it made her want to char him.

She panted slightly and kicked a pebble so hard it ricocheted off the wall and his her in the temple, "Ahh!" She shouted and rubber her head. That was certainly going to leave a bump.

Shock walked closer, but kept a few feet's distance to be cautious. Light didn't entirely blame him, "Where's your head today? You had it made yesterday!" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

Light grumbled, "I don't know! Why don't you train the newbies or something! I need some time to get my head on."

Shock shook his head, "They've been training for a long time already, and they're not much newer than you," He pointed out.

Light sat down and sighed, "Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm the burden I get it!" She brought her knees to her chest and sighed, feeling the weight of the world.

Shock sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her. He'd gotten comfortable with the gesture it seemed, and Light normally didn't mind. But right now, it irritated her and she shrugged it off. Shock was surprised and seemed a little hurt when he withdrew his arm, "Maybe you need some down time. You've been through a lot lately. But you need to know you're far from a burden. In fact, you're like a secret weapon or something!"

Light huffed, "You just want my dads' autographs."

Shock laughed, "That would be cool, but being related to them would be even cooler," He laughed again and offered a hand, "Come on, if you're done with training, we can start our meeting."

Light stood without his hand, which seemed to wound him again. For some reason, Light didn't care at the moment, "What meeting?"

Light laced his fingers together and cradled his head with ease, "Just something for you newbies."

Light resisted the urge to punch him. She may not have been there long, but she didn't want to be treated like something they found on the side of the street either. Even though she kind of was. The realization made a tight knot in the pit of her stomach. Was that all she was to them? Some helpless kid they found lying around?

She let the thought fester as they walked to the main room. Twig and Rachael sat a cross- legged a couple feet apart and the twins sat across from them. Shock sat beside Husk, a little closer than necessary, so Light sat beside Buck, pretending to be listening eagerly to Twig.

"Okay, so since there are new members to out little resistance, I'm going to have all of us introduce ourselves then we'll begin. I am Twig the Bluebird and I am the techie of the group."

Rachael was next, "I'm Rachael the Fox. I am the spy."

Shock stood up as if he was all important, "I'm Shock, the Shockingly Handsome Hedgehog and I am amazing with the ladies! I train and fight. Any mechs show their rusty faces and I scorch 'em!"

Rachael rolled her eyes with a smile and Twig howled like a wolf with a laugh. I only scowled at the look Husk gave him.

After Shock sat down and Twig calmed his laughing fit, Husk spoke, "I'm Husk the Squirrel. I can turn invisible, so that makes me a good spy and fighter. I am calm even in horrible moments, and I am a great listener."

Light bent one knee and rested her arm on it, clearly not paying attention, but she heard every word, unfortunately.

Buck smiled and said, "I'm Buck the Squirrel, I have super strength, I can run pretty quickly, jump like I'm made of spring and crack a joke at inappropriate times."

Now it was Light's turn. She stood up and sighed, "I'm Light the Hedgehog. I have a large, famous family, with a history everyone but me knows about, I'm the key to Robotnick's plan, and I know the only reason I'm told to stick around is so you all can hide me from him."

With that, she turned on her heel and dashed for the training room, hoping no one would follow her. She plopped down and covered her face in humiliation and anger. She knew what she said was true! She just knew it!

She felt a presence and looked up to a scowling Rachael who was crossing her arms. She glowered and looked away. She didn't want to talk to her right now, "What? You gonna say I'm being unreasonable?"

Rachael's scowl deepened, "You have no idea how badly I want to Light," Her face softened and she sad beside her with a sigh, "But I know where you're at. You feel like the world's against you and take it on the only people you can. You really have no evidence to support that you're useless to us because it's not true and you know it. You just have a lot of crap going on right now."

Light was surprised by the accuracy of the fox. She had to hand it to Rache, she knew what she was talking about.

Rachael continued, "When I joined, I was a mess. I'd just witnessed my family burn alive. Every last one of them," Her voice slowed to a drone that sounded odd and her eyes glazed over, but Light didn't dare interrupt. She was shocked by the statement immediately, "I once had two brothers and a sister. They were first, then my dad, and then my mom. There was something in their blood that, when burned, gave off a chemical that could cure some sort of rare disease and make a human perfect or something. The person who did it was a large, black alien with a strange voice. He had three red eyes and no legs, but floated. He was about to come after me when I ran. I ran and ran and ran until I passed out.

"Twig found me and took me here. Ever since then, I've looked for that monster," Her fists clenched and her eyes hardened, "I don't care the cause! I brutally murdered an innocent family for some experiment! I hope that experiment failed miserably!"

Light thought of the figure and couldn't help it seemed familiar, but her mind was focused on her story. Light had temporarily lost her family, and is the key to some terrible experiment, but Rachael's family was completely gone for the same reason. They were in the same boat. Light had a whole new respect for the fox.

Light stood up and crossed her arms, "Well, tell you what. After this is all over, which it will be! I'll personally help you fight this black alien!"

Rachael half smiled and stood up, offering her hand, "Deal!"

Light shook on it and the two exited the area. The four they left behind were worried to say the least. Twig dashed to Light and gave her a heart warming hug.

"You can't believe what you said! You can't!"

Light felt awful for what she said and hugged Twig tightly, "I don't Twig, I'm sorry I said any of it."

Twig finally let go and Light felt the awkwardness of the moment. Twig stood fairly close, as if she was going to run away if he stepped aside. Buck and Husk looked like they were intruding on a very private conversation, and Shock looked like he'd been slapped across the face. Light didn't understand this part, but didn't comment.

"Sorry, guys. Let me try again," She cleared her throat, "I'm Light the Hedgehog, I can project lightning from my hands and illuminate my whole body. And right now, I'm going to make sure Robotnick goes down!"

The room erupted with cheers and Light smiled. Until she looked at Shock. He was looking at the ground as if he felt pensive for some reason. Light wanted to question him, but at the moment, she was a little busy. It'll have to wait.

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