Chapter 12

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"How did you get here Shadow?" Cindra asked with innocent eyes. They were walking along the city. Shadow wanted to talk to Mia more, but she had some sort of business. He decided to wander the city for some sort of clues instead. He did have a while after all.

"Some sort of teleport potion in a lab floating in space."

Cindra giggled, walking with perfect strides and posture as if it were second nature, "You're very funny Shadow."

Shadow half smiled, "Can I ask you something?"

She nodded eagerly, having taken to the hedgehog. Shadow thought a moment before speaking.

"What is Mia's job exactly?"

Her face hardened to all business, "Well, when a young girl... joins this dimension, she is trained to guide, watch over and keep the order of everyone here. We are the only who age here, and only age until it is our time. Mia is a fully mature Spirit Guide. I am a Guide in Training."

Shadow's ruby eyes widened. He hadn't realized Mia had such a complicated job. He is even more grateful that she is so willing to help him. If only he knew why. They walked a moment, passing by the bright, grand houses. Everything looked the same to Shadow. In fact, the brightness almost gave him a headache, "How does one... join?"

She bit her lip contemplatively, "Well..."

"Ella! Hello!" A young, African girl with bouncing, black curls ran up to Cindra, pulling her into a tight hug, "I never thought I'd see you again!"

Cindra's golden eyes shifted to silver and watered instantly, "Lil? How? What?"

Lil pulled back, her golden eyes shining, "Mia explained everything! I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you Ella!"

Cindra turned away, her eyes darkening to a coal color. Shadow was beginning to understand the eye colors. They change on depending on their emotions. If only he knew why they were like that. Cindra's eyes were swelling and she tried her hardest to hold her face like a stone, "It's Cindra now, and you must address me as so," Her voice cracked with emotion at the end, "What we were before ended when I died. I am so-" She choked and now tears were running down her face, "How did you?"

Lil's face darkened to an almost anger, "The world's gone crazy! There are rumors about the return of Solaris and people are actually doing human sacrifices to appease him! I was one of them!"

Cindra finally broke down and ran away, gathering her skirts and flying away, calling for her phoenix. Shadow sped off for the palace, finally putting it all together in his head. This is where people go when they die! Their eyes and names change and they can't age unless they are Spirit Guides. Now he needs to know who Mia is! The palace was coming closer to view until Shadow all but busted down the door. He flew down the hall so fast it would have set a fire path in the living world. He banged on Mia's door hard, "We must talk Mia!"

The door opened to a concerned face. Mia's hair was down and she wore only a simple, baby blue dress. Shadow's heart stopped. She must be-

"What is it Shadow?"

Shadow barely held himself together enough to ask if he could come in. After walking in the door, he spun around, "What was your name before?"

Her silver eyes darkened a shade, "It doesn't matter."

"The hell it doesn't! It matters to me! Or do you not care anymore?" His anger fumed, years and years of pain and rage boiling over. He had to know! He had the right to know!

Her eyes changed a shade almost identical to Cindra's a moment ago, "Shadow..."

He crossed his arms stubbornly, setting his jaw and narrowing his eyes, "Yes?"

Light and ShadowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant