Chapter 20

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            Ouch my entire body hurt and i was chained to a chair, I opened my eyes but I could see much the room was dark but I could tell it was bright outside because  birds were whistling and there was light coming from under the door.


     I regained consciousness and the first then that came to mind was how I was going to kill that bitch. She killed Shed  and kidnapped me, Daniel and Josh would very sad and worried.

        I tried mind connecting but it wasn't working I tried harder but nothing happened. The door opened and Katharina came in "Stop trying it wouldn't work"

      "What the hell is wrong with you bitch? Don't you ever learn your lesson, by the time I get out of here I am going to rip your head off" I yelled

       I saw fear in her eyes but she quickly smiled it way. "We have plans for you" who is the 'we'.

    As if hearing my thoughts she answered "You will find out soon enough and by the way know one will ever find you here. I made use of that"

    "Why are you really doing this, what's your plan and what do you stand to gain" I asked curiosity .

    She smiled walking up to me and bending down."Do you really wanted to know " I nodded and I had a feel I am not going to like this.

      "I am doing this because I hate you " 

      please tell me something I don't already know I rolled my eyes.

     "I love Daniel ever since we were kids and you just came from no where claiming his heart"

       "As a matter of fact I didn't claim his hear the gave it to me willingly" I stated and I got a slap.

"Don't you ever touch" I scream trying to break out of the chain, she stepped back. "Don't bother yourself, you can't use any of your power. They have been seal" she said pointing at the bracelet on my wrist which had a rune of restrain.

    I smiled "You know for a burette you sure are clever, I didn't think you had in you to be able to write rune"

    "Thanks for the compliment but I wasn't the one who drew it". I knew if I asked who drew it she wouldn't answer direct so I asked another question.

   " So what do you want to do with me" I asked

    "Two things actually, you are an half angel and half vampire. We plan on sucking your angelic power out if you survive , you will become  one of my  pet or a killing machine for us."

    If I survived...... Pet.......killing indirectly they want to separate my powers and take one.

       "Bitch please that not remotely possible" I said rolling my eyes..

"That's not even the best part" she giggled "The best part is with your powers I can create a portion strong enough to weep everyone memory of you including Daniel"

       "You really need to see a doctor, I think you are psychologically  sick" she slapped me again.

    "Bitch, you are getting on my nerves" I yelled. Then someone walked in, I didn't stop glaring at Kath until the person spoke up.

          "Is that anyway to treat our guest" the person said I turned to confirm if my ears where just playing tricks with me.

      I looked up at the person and said "Someone kill me please" I think tears where gathering in my eyes, I blink it away but it didn't go unknown.

      She walked up to me, cleaning the invisible tears from my face "Darling, don't take it personal" Diana said ..

     I didn't say anything, I trusted her she was like my second mom, I cared about her and I ever told her everything including my sex life.

      She being here, means what she told me about my mom's died was wrong. That means "Did you kill my mom?" I blurred out.

     "No no no , I will never do something like that" she paused " I had people do it for me".

      "How could you do such a thing, you fucking bastard" I screamed with tears dropping down my eyes "How could you.... You were like family".

   She smiled and pulled out a chair from the end of the room sitting beside me." All I wanted was your powers  but she said No, so I decided to take from her anyway. I send the vampire that night but she outplayed me by sending you to another place untraceable by me."

      She looked at me and laugh "the funny thing about life is I summoned a dark Angel to find and when it did, I made it look like I saved. I carried Phoenix you to the kingdom (a.k.a Daniel territory) but I didn't know you were going to be his mate and most of all I didn't know you will fall in love with him. If ........"I Interrupted her .

    " If you had known, you wouldn't have let Daniel see me. Him seeing me delayed your plans but you taking me weakened his pack"

   "Yes, but it also make it easy for us to attack and conquer it. I will be the supreme ruler"

    " I have never seen a woman who crave for so much power in my life" I paused and laughed "I .swear .on .my .name. both .of. you. will .go .down .on .your. fucking .knee. and . beg .to . spare. your . miserable. Life"

      I was knock unconscious by Kath

   I woke up in an unknown place the only thing I was sure of is the fact, I am in dungeon with someone. I could feel the person's presence but I couldn't see because dungeon was dark.

      After a while of me mumbling curse  words like "she killed my mom, she killed innocent Sarah , she lied to me. I am fucking going to kill her"......." Bitch"......"Bastard".........

   The person finally spoke "Samt is that you??"..... Samt?!?? Only one person every calls me that....

" Sarah?"

     I am confuse is Sarah back or just friction of her imagination or someone Diana and Kath made so she could truth the person.

Find out on the next chapter


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