Chapter 10

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    "Doc, she has been sleeping for 4 days when is she going to wake up ?" I heard danny asked with a lot of worry and consider.

      "Patience, your Majesty. She was badly hurt on her leg and she lost a lot of blood"

      "I can't wait any longer, isn't their something I can do"

    "We can't do any blood transfusion because like you said she just came to terms that you are her mate and she doesn't know the full truth"..... What full truth I thought to myself.

                They left after a while, I tried to move but I couldn't. I felt a lot of pain in my legs then I felt someone came in, I thought it was Dan or the doc but the oral was different.

     I didn't know how I knew but I know I was in danger. The person walked up to me and touched my face, it was a woman.

     " You are so young, so pure, so innocent what did he see in you."

' Who is the he ???' I asked

"I always wonder why the moon goddess didn't make me his mate or why is wolf hated me or why his vampire self hates me. He choose a half angel or me." She chuckled.

     "I would have right now but the doctor covered you with a protective spell but mark my words Samantha I will kill you. I love Daniel and I will do anything to have him"
       She walked out of the room and I had a lot question for Daniel because this woman.

      I decided to sleep hoping by tomorrow I will be able to move.

   "Samantha, Sammy" I felt a little tap on my arm. I voice sound very familiar but I could place my finger on it.

    "Wake up my love"  I opened my eyes, but the light was too much so I groan which made the person chuckled. I sat upright, when I finally opened my eyes and looked at the person I almost drop dead.

"D...daddy" I kept on staring at him, he had little white beard on his face, he had ocean blue eyes just mine, he had a tribe mark that the right side of his face I also had the mark but mine was at my back just below my stomach.

      He is wearing a white top and a black trouser. I didn't notice his winks is white and black, the right is black and the left his white.

    "How are you my child?" he asked and I snapped out of my though

  "Does this mean I am dead" I said it more of a statement than a question.

"No" he smiled "You are very much alive, I just borrowed your spirit from your body"

"Why" I asked looking at my feet I was now sitting at the edge of the bed with my foot on the floor.

    " I pulled your so I cou......" I interrupted "Why did you leave us, why did you abandon us"  I asked with tears dripping down.  "If you had stay, she wouldn't have die and Sarah will be alive in her own world"

      He moved and sat close to me "I had no choice, I swear I really tried to come back to you and Johanna but I couldn't if not they will kill both of you"

     I looked up and met his eyes they were red and his face was filled with sadness and hurt. I didn't know what came over me but I hugged him, he was shocked at first but he hugged me back.

When I pulled away he smiled and I smiled but I still had to ask  "Are you still alive?".
       " No" he paused then continued "I died three years after you were born that how I was able to communicate with you in your dreams".

         " Oh... But ain't suppose to go to somewhere like heaven or someplace where your soul will be at peace"

"I am but I can't because I have an unfinished business, which happens to be..". 

" Me" I completed it for him



"This was the only chance I has to call your spirit, I wanted to teach and educate you about us angels"

"Okay let the lesson begin" I said smiling.

    He stood up and told me to follow him after walking, we entered a garden. The most beautiful garden I have ever seen. We sat down in the middle and he said talking about our history, our rules , our lifestyle, he also thought me our to bring out my wings. I tried some couple of time but I failed but the last time I tried it came out. My wings is pure white

        "Samantha, you are different because of the vampire blood which flows inside of you. Angel have the power to heal anyone, we can also communicate with the dead, we sometimes have visions . Some lucky ones have soulmate just like you while others don't . The ones who have mate are support to mate with their mate before a year is completed unless they are likely to die"


     He smiled"Don't worry, you guys are heading in the right direction"
I chose to ignore that.

"Why is your wings two different colour"

        "I committed a sin" he smiled " I fell in love with a Vampire, its against our rules but it doesn't apply to you"

   "Oh, is it because I am half vampire"

      "Yeah, do you remember some of the runes your mom showed you"

    "Yah, that came in handy" I smiled remembering my last fight

     " I gave her the booking hoping before you were born you will be angel. Only an angel and some witches that can write a rune and make use of it."

        "Isn't there a book for runes because I don't have anyone"

      "This is a gift from me to you" he said giving me a huge book."its time for you to go ". White light surrounded me

     "Thanks Dad, I forgive you" I smiled. Immediately his black wing turned white.

      "Thanks sweet heart, you just saved my soul".. I smiled " I love you baby girl".

  "I love you too dad" I said blinking back the tears.

"Sam"  someone hugged me and that when I realise that I was back at the hospital and Daniel was hugging me.


That's Daniel at pic.
Its not her dad.


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