Chapter 8

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    After training with Danny, (yah yah, I have already given him a nickname. We became close so can u blame me) I made up my mind to talk to Diana after being advice numerous by Josh and Danny.
             I walked into my room, have a quick shower and head out to the garden where I was informed she was.

             As soon as I saw her sitting in the bench near where the rose flowers were planted..I wanted to walk up to her and punch so she could pass out and when she does wake up, I  punch her again still I  am satisfied, no amount of sorry will make me forgive her... I also blame her for losing Sarah..

       When she noticed me she stood up, I walked up to the bench and sat down. She sat too."His majesty, said you wanted to talk to me"I rolled my eyes at the name she called Daniel. I snort a little before saying"I wanted to hear your own side of the story"

     She had a shocked expression on her face'O' "Okay, thanks for......" I interrupted "Please just go straight to the point"

    "Sam, I am so sorry I wasnt strong enough to help your mother" she inhaled before continuing "Early that day your mom had a meeting with the Emerald vampire king (Earth tribe, btw most of them are vegetarian. Don't ask me how that's possible)representing our tribe the flourilite kingdom(Water tribe) as our ambassador. She told me that the  meeting wasn't right, that she felt something was wrong, when she came from Emerald kingdom she was scared and she kept on trembling.. She said she wanted to see the King"

She paused and cleaned the tears from her eyes "When we got to the palace we where told that the king and his wife went out of the kingdom. She wasn't happy at all, she even killed two guards"

"My mom will never do that" I whispered so only me would hear but unfortunately Diana heard.."I am sorry but she did, I took her to my house to get her cleaned up and told her she might be over thinking things"

"Did she tell what happened or what she saw in the meeting"

"No, she didn't. Ambassador are not allowed to the discuss their meeting with anyone but the king or queen. I told her she needed a good night sleep and you are probably waiting for her back at home then she left. Immediately she left I was called to the palace and imprisoned for killing the guards. I was tortured  but I didn't give out you mother name neither did I accept it. Few hours later news came that we were under attack, when I was able to escape. I went straight to your house but I was too late I saw your mom lying down, I ran to her but I could save her before finally she said I should take care of you that you are still alive. I searched every where for you but I didn't see you so I cast a transportation spell on you to send you to a save place"

   "That's how I ended up in New York alone knowing my mom was died and you abandoned us" I almost choked on  my words......I stood up wipe the tears that wanted to come out."Thank you"with that I left.
      I walked straight to my room and started crying,I remembered how my mom died, how I saw myself in an unknown place, I felt lost,weak and abandoned  like it was yesterday.

    I cried and cried till tears came out no more, I wanted to go and look for Danny or Josh by they went out. Few minutes later I heard a knock on the door, I knew it wasn't Josh or Danny so I said "Please go away I don't want to see anyone"

I heard the door begin open and closed then the person came close and sat by the side of the bed"Ouch, it hurts to see my Queen sad"Shed dramatically said. I couldn't help chuckle....

"When did you come back" I said sitting up. The left few days ago to spend time with his numerous girlfriends according to him but I knew he was lying because earlier dat day he had been in his office working. He even missed lunch, Shed and food can never be separate not even if your tie him to iron chair, which I tried doing...

  "So, who made you cry, tell me so I can chop his /her head off but if its Dan or Josh please woman forgive me but you are on your own" he ended his sentence with a huge smile...I smiled back (the theory smiling is contagious is 101%  through)

"So you can't fight for me and you said you loved me" I decided to play along, I didn't want to be sad and depress. I am not dat type of girl.

"I love you but I can't get killed in the process because when I am die you will  run off to Dan and forget about me" he said holding his heart. I rolled my eyes.

   We spend the day talking and talking until we ate dinner and late night snacks. I was also informed Danny and Josh will be arriving tomorrow.

     We finally watched a movie in the movie room and said our good night (s).. He kissed me on the head and escorted me to my room, he made sure i was already on my bed before leaving. He is like an elder brother I never had...Josh too



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