Thery're the only family I have left!

Start from the beginning

The boy knocks again, this time a little more harder. "Come on, man! I'll be real quick!"

"Like hell it will!" Josh yells back at him, the boy sighs and leans his head on the door. "Leave him be, Vanessa, he's no good." The men begin to scatter back to their places, I can't believe how calm they are. Nothing scares them.

The boy glances at me and grins. "Hey." Is all he says, I find myself curious and walk over to the door. I touch the glass that kept us apart, he is beautiful. "Vanessa, don't encourage him! He's dangerous!" Chris tries to yank me away from the door, but I protest saying that I can take care of myself. "He's behind the door, he won't hurt me unless we invite him in, right?" Chris grumbles a 'fine' and stalks off back to the couch.


"What's wrong?" His grin grows he wider and his breath fogs the slit of the window up slightly. "Why would there be something wrong?" I ask trying to sound confident to him. "Do I scare you?" I look at the sharp canines in his mouth and the pitch black eyes, he has yet to break eye contact. "No." I glance upstairs where my daughter is sleeping, I hope she isn't affected by him. Josh seems unconcered, but doesn't he always.

"People that lie are not good people."

"What's your name?" I quickly change the subject to prevent from running away and into Ricky's protective arms. "Damon." I giggle a little, his smile turns to a frown.

"What's so funny, Snow White?"

"It's just such a unique name for a demon." I say sarcastically, I feel a tug at my leg and look down to see Gabe hugging it. "Hi, baby, what do you need?" He looks up at the door and trembles. "I-I just wanted to know who you were talking too."

"Vanessa!" Ricky calls to me from the kitchen, I pick up Gabe and he screams at the sight of the "friend" I just made. "It's okay, he can't hurt you when your with me and inside the house."

"I refuse to leave till you let me in this house." Damon says as I begin to walk to the kitchen to Ricky's voice. "Yes?" He hands me a ham sandwhich with a smile and takes Gabe from me. "Quit talking to that weirdo, it only makes them more excited."

"He's a nice kid."

"Pfff, if you say so, just don't go outside to see him." I hear Ricky chuckle as I then leave the kitchen and find myself going back to the door, not only is Damon beautiful, but he is very easy to communicate with. "You torture me?" I raise an eyebrow as I eat my sandwhich. "I haven't eaten in two weeks." Guilt settles into my system, I glance at the sandwhich, he's hungry and probably tired and it gets pretty cold at night especially with just a flannel as a jacket. "I'm sorry...You could just go over to Jack Elliot's house...I hate him, you can eat him and he's stupid enough to let you inside too probably." Damon laughs one of those gentle yet psycotic laughs that could make even a man man get goosebumps.

"I like to have humans who are nicer, but thanks for the tip off. I'll let my siblings know." This small bit of information caused me to tighten my fist. There are more of these things out there. "Siblings?"

"Oh yeah, I have a lot of siblings." His voice put an emphasis on the words 'a lot.'

"I have at least hundred and eighty-nine in this state alone. I can't imagine how many I have oustide the state though, probably hundreds. I guess you can say I get quite a few hand-me-downs from my older brothers." I can tell he's joking, he probably has never met any of his siblings considering most demons haven't either except for full-bloode siblings. "How many are close to this house?" I hear a knock at the back window, Chris groans, I turn back to Damon who is now accompanied by two other boys his age. I jump at the sudden added number. "A lot." Damons says with yet another one of his famous creepy smile.

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