After about a minute I finally got a response from Nick.

'Right then, just keep me posted for any new information... And...And keep a hold of your wolf' He warned.


It took me what felt like an age before I finally approached any kind of human civilization. I slowed my run into a jog before reaching the back of a building on the outskirts of the town. I shifted then as Nick's worries reminded me that I really couldn't risk being seen in my wolf form. I stood there naked with a dilemma. I couldn't walk through the streets of this town as a massive wolf, but on the other hand, if I walked around in my birthday suit then I was definitely at risk of getting arrested.

I looked up at the wall face of the building I was stood behind. I saw about two floors up was a sort of balcony. It wasn't big enough to hold even a small chair but a washing line was hung across each side, and like some miracle, a pair of jeans and plain black T-shirt were gently swaying in the bitterly cold wind.

As another shiver ran up my spine, I made my decision. I climbed up the side of the wall as quickly and as gracefully as I could. I didn't even bother thinking about what I was doing as I grabbed the clothes and pulled them on. At least they're clean. I remembered thinking to myself before I jumped from the ledge and onto the floor below.

I had only just straightened up from my jump/fall when my wolf pressed me forward. I could sense that now I was no longer in my wolf form, I had a little more control of the persistent urge It held onto, but It still ran strong and I found myself following my senses again as I walked closer to the center of town.

I was momentarily shocked when I noticed the people who were out on the town at this time of night – Or should I say, guys. Guys holding hands with guys, Guys making out against the side of buildings with guys, Guys on their knees in front of... Guys.

Whoa... Where the hell am I? My mind was coming up blank as I continued on my way. I'd never seen so many gay people in all my life. I was shocked, I... I didn't realize there was so many of them about... Of us about, my wolf corrected me, but I shook the thought off. It felt so weird. These guys just didn't care who saw them. They weren't afraid of what people thought about them. It was simply so strange to see because I'd always grown up with the idea that homosexuality was morally wrong, unnatural and abnormal. But here as I looked around there was nothing wrong about it, seeing these guys acting so normal - so at ease with who they were and who they liked. It didn't look unnatural at all, in fact to me it was just... right.

Just like it felt right to be with Quinn

I shook the thoughts of Quinn away. I didn't have time to think about him now.

My wolf led me down a side street, and I knew I was getting close as a shiver ran down my spine.

That's when I heard it. I cringed pressing my back against the cold stone wall of a building.

"Welcome back to the world, you no-good little fag boy."

My body went rigid at his words and my eyes dropped into slits as I slowly came out of my hiding spot. I could finally see the scene in front of me. There was little light down the side street, the tall buildings blocking out the limited light that the moon would have given off. However, being a werewolf I could see everything. I could see the small crowd of large burly men, all stood in a circle formation. They were all looking down in the middle, laughing and carelessly kicking whatever poor person was huddled on the ground at their feet.

Whoever he was made no sound, but my wolf hearing allowed me to hear his labored shallow breaths.

I stepped closer, my hands clenching into fists. Yes the sight in front of me was horrific, sick and I felt sorry for whoever it was who was being beaten up, but I still had no clue why my wolf had to lead me here. This had nothing to do with me!

I didn't understand my wolf. I was confused, this kind of thing- as horrible as it looks, happens all the time. So why was it so important for my wolf to be here?

I stalked through the shadows silently as I came closer to the scene and watched in horror, as one man stepped closer, pulled back his foot so fast that I couldn't get to him quick enough before he collided it with the boy's ribs.

A small groan escaped the boy and my heart stopped. My eyes went wide in horror and centered on him properly for the first time.

He was broken, battered, cut and beaten to a pulp. His eyes didn't open as I took in his appearance. I couldn't see much of him, but I could see enough. It was enough to have my wolf growling in hatred, my body began to shake and my heart was racing rapidly, as my stomach dropped like it had been squashed by a ton of bricks.

My body vibrated, my eyes turning black as my fangs elongated. I didn't even think to control my wolf in this moment. I had no control over him whatsoever, but he had all the power in the world over me. Soon I found myself standing – still in the shadows, but now in my magnificent light brown wolf. I crouched down, keeping my body close to the ground as I crept forward.

"It's a pity you're so drugged up, It's a lot more entertaining to beat the shit out of some queer that can actually fight back." Another man laughed bitterly, as he grabbed the boy up by his collar, causing his green eyes to open slightly.

"Fuck you!" He spat and as a swell of pride rushed through me at his stubbornness.

"Oh, I know you want to you little gay slut." The attacker laughed and then began to lift his fist high in the air. I couldn't watch any longer, I was close enough now to dart forward in time to stop his fist from connecting with his face, and that's what I did. I soared through the air, throwing myself forward until my jaws connected with the side of his torso.

The man's high pitched scream pierced through my sensitive ears, as my teeth nestled themselves into his soft flesh. My wolf growled angrily as he flung his head to the side, picking the boys attacker off of his feet and flying into the opposite wall.

My wolf licked the blood off my canines, as my eyes continued to glare around at the men.

The men were now slowly shuffling back, with their hands in the air as a sign of surrender. A sound almost like a snarl/laugh escaped my lips, as I wondered how many times he would have begged for them to stop, and how many times they would have laughed and ignored him.

I was a werewolf, and unfortunately for them, I wasn't so forgiving. I was protective, I was angry, and I was fucking possessive right now. I wanted to murder every one of them for hurting my boy.

They'd beaten on the wrong guy at the wrong time, and now they were going to pay.


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