Chapter 31: Drunk In Love

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Normani's POV

I watched as Ally slowly made her way closer to me, and the look on her face let me know that she wasn't happy. Perfect. I had to pretend that I liked dancing with Arin, which was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Someone's hip repeatedly bumped into mine, and when I started to get annoyed, I looked down. It was Ally. "Hey, fancy seeing you here!" I shouted over the music, turning to face her.

She was about to say something when Arin interrupted us. "Um, excuse me?" he tried to tap her on the shoulder, but I caught his hand before he did.

"Don't touch her." I mouthed, widening my eyes so he knew I was serious.

"Look, I know you like this girl, but you promised me you would dance with me."

"And I did." I replied.

But apparently he didn't hear me. "So, you-" once again, he reached for Ally's shoulder, and once again, I grabbed his hand before he could make contact.

"Don't. Touch. Her." I repeated, keeping my fingers wrapped around his wrist.

"All I wanted was a dance with you, and now I can't have it because of this girl who decided to waltz in and..." with every word, I tightened my grip on his wrist, squeezing so hard that he fell to his knees in pain. "Babe...N-Normani you're...please let go..." he stuttered, extending his hands, desperately reaching out to grab Ally's arm to help him up.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I finally shouted, throwing him with as much force as I could against the ground.

A loud scream was heard from the other side of the huge room as well as the sound of a glass bottle breaking. And then an unmistakable voice shouted out the familiar name: "Camila!"

Ally's POV

"I hate this hospital." I grumbled, slouching in my chair. "I would rather be anywhere than here."

"It's okay, Angel. They said she'll be okay." Normani said quietly, reaching for my hand.

"She has a concussion." I spat, pulling my hand away from her. "I know what that feels like, and it's not okay."

She sighed in defeat and leaned back in her chair. "That's no reason for you to get mad at me." She muttered.

We were both silent for a moment. "Did you hurt your hand?"


"When you kept telling Arin not to touch me."

"Oh..." She stretched out her palm and then made a fist a few times. "Not really. And if you were trying to make me jealous, it worked."

"I was not trying to make you jealous, I-" She raised an eyebrow at me, a knowing smirk on her lips. "Okay, fine..."

"So you were jealous?"

"Only a little."


"I just...I really like you, Normani, and only you. And I didn't really figure that out until I almost lost you."

"You would not have lost me to Arin Ray, Ally."

"You don't like him?"

"No! Kid's a total douchebag."

"Family for Karla Camila Cabello?"

"Karla?" Dinah mumbled, standing up from her chair between me and Siope.

"I'll stay here." he told her with a smile when she reached out her hand.

"Okay." she leaned down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek and joined us next to the doctor.

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