Chapter 19: Super Freak

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Dinah's POV

"You ready for school today, Allycat?" I asked her as I laced up my favorite heels. 

She sighed as she tightened her ponytail in the mirror of one the closet doors. "Not even a little bit."

"Just remember what the doctor said: your muscles relax when you do. Just stay calm and everything will be fine." I tried to give her a reassuring smile as she turned around to face me.

"Thanks, DJ." She said, walking over to get her bag off of her bed. "But I don't think it's that simple."

There was a knock at the door, and I knew who it was even before Ally had a chance to open it.

"Morning!" Siope said in a cheery voice as he stepped into the dorm.

"Hey!" I stood up to wrap my arms around his waist and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I brought you guys breakfast...again. But this time I checked and there were no parents in our driveway."

"What?" Ally asked, clearly confused.

"Oh, Normani's-"

I hit him lightly on the leg to make him shut up. If Ally didn't know that Normani's dad came to visit us, there was obviously a reason that she didn't tell her. "Nothing, he was just joking." I quickly lied.

"Okay...well, I'm not really hungry right now. I'm sure Camila would eat my share anyways, so you can just give it to her. She's in the bathroom."

Siope nodded. "Okay, I saw Normani and Lauren in the cafeteria when I was there."

"They get up way to early." I mumbled.

Ally rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go talk to my teachers. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye!" We called after her.

"You think she's gonna survive today?"

"God, I hope so."

20 Minutes Later

Camila emerged from the bathroom just as Siope and I were about to give up waiting on her.

"Oh my God, I'm so late!" she shouted frantically, running around trying to make sure that she had all of her books.

"You look good, Mila." I commented between bites of my bagel. She was wearing a dark green t-shirt with white polka dots, short black shorts, dark stockings and a black bow.

"Thanks, Dinah!" She smiled brightly at me before skipping over to the bag of food Siope had with him. "What'd you bring me?"

"You took too long; we ate it."

Her mouth fell open in genuine shock and disappointment. I tried and failed to stifle a laugh while covering my mouth so I wouldn't spit out my food. "He's kidding, Chancho. I saved some for you." I handed her the last bagel as I stood up to clean up all of our trash.

She carefully took the food from me while giving me a look like I was crazy. "Did you just call me Chancho?"


"That means pig!" She stomped her foot in disbelief.

I nodded. "You eat like one."

"Yeah? Well, I'm gonna call you..." She paused, crossed her arms over her chest and bit her lip as she searched her mind for something to call me. "...CheeChee!"

"And what does that mean?"

"Uh...I haven't decided yet..."

"Mmhmm," I rolled my eyes. "Come one, guys, let's get to class."

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