Chapter 25: Woke Up to the Same Old Uh-Oh

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Lauren's POV

"Hey, Mani?" I asked her as we got ready for bed. We were in one bathroom while Dinah and Camila were in the other. Ally was already half asleep.

"Yes, Lauren?"

"What did you say to Ally?"

"When?" she replied, pinning her hair up into a bun.

"When she caught me and Camila kissing earlier."

"I told her she was beautiful." she answered simply.

I turned to stare at her in disbelief. "That's it? Just 'you're beautiful'?" She nodded and shrugged. "Just two words made her smile like that?" She blushed but didn't answer. "Or maybe it was the person who said it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Hamilton. I mean she likes you."

"No she doesn't." Normani replied, rolling her eyes.

"So you're telling me that it doesn't matter that she calls you her Princess and her ManiBear?" When she didn't say anything, I continued. "And how about the fact that she kissed you-"

"Cheek and forehead don't count."

"Um, cheek definitely counts."

"Hey, guys?" Dinah called from the other side of the door. "I'm about to turn out the lights, so unless you wanna walk out here, trip, and die, you should probably hurry up."

"She's so dramatic." I said to Normani as I opened the door. "Night, Ally!" I whispered as I climbed into bed.

"G'night." She grumbled.

"Night, Angel." Normani said just as quietly.

You could hear the smile in her voice when she spoke again: "Night, Princess."

I reached over to slap Normani's arm and she looked at me like I was crazy. "What?!"

"Go kiss her goodnight, Princess!"

"Lauren!" She hissed.

"What? Just on the cheek!"


"Why not?"

"Go to sleep." Camila mumbled.

"Mani, come on." I begged. "Please?"

"Why?" I stuck out my bottom lip for emphasis, and she sighed in defeat. "Fine." I watched as she slowly walked over to Ally's bed.

Normani's POV

I carefully moved Ally's hair out of her face and noticed that my hand was shaking. Why was I so nervous? It's not like I was taking advantage of her or anything. I mean, she's awake. I leaned down to gently touch my lips to her soft cheek and I felt her smile. "Night, Allycat."

"Night, ManiBear." Just as I was walking back to my bed, her fingers wrapped around my wrist. She didn't say anything as she tugged on my arm and moved over a little in her bed. I climbed in behind her, wrapping my arm over her waist and burying my face in her hair.

Little things like this didn't mean she liked me. Did it? I was this close with my friends back home. We gave each other nicknames and slept together and...okay maybe Ally did look at me a little differently than she did the rest of the girls. But that didn't mean that she liked me...did it? It just meant that we were...closer...Why was I so afraid of her liking me? I wanted her to, and I knew that I liked her back. I just felt like she still liked Camila, and I didn't want to create another mess. I wanted her to like me and only me.

I was about to fall asleep, when I remembered something. "Ally?"


"Did you eat anything at all today?" She didn't reply, so I just assumed that the answer was no. "Why not?"

"I'll tell you in the morning. Just go to sleep."

"Okay...wait, Ally?"

"Yes, Mani?" She sighed.

"Do you still like Camila?"

"I don't know, Normani. Go to sleep."

The Next Morning
Camila's POV

The alarm went off at the normal time: 6:00. My eyes shot open, but I didn't move. "What day is it?"

"Wednesday." Lauren mumbled from the other side of the room.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "This has been the slowest week of my life."

"We should just go to school and do nothing else today. No drama, no deaths, nothing."

"Good luck with that." Dinah laughed, standing up from her bed. "Something's bound to happen, whether you want it to or not. Its fate."

Lauren sighed. "Its inevitable."

"Exactly." She nodded as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

"Are those two lovebirds ever going to get up?" I asked, motioning towards Normani and Ally.

"They're both still denying it."

"What, that they're going to get out of bed?"

"No," She rolled her eyes. "They're denying that they like each other."

"Why? It's so obvious!"

"I know! But Normani's refuses to admit that Ally likes her." Lauren answered as she walked over to her dresser. "I mean, I know Ally doesn't wanna get hurt again, but why is Normani doing it?"

I paused. "Because she might get hurt too..."

"Camz, what are you talking about?" She questioned as she pulled her shirt over her head.


"No, tell me." She demanded.

"Its just...Ally also...likes...someone else."

She just stared at me for a minute, and her eyes were so intense that I had to look away. "She likes you, doesn't she?"

"I um...y-yeah..."

"Do you like her back?"

"I like you." I tried, but she didn't budge.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well, right now I'm only focusing on you-"


I sighed, and I could feel the gears turning in my head as I tried to figure out the truth. "I..."

A/N: SHOULD CAMILA LIKE HER BACK OR NOT??? SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER, LOVE YOU. Thanks so much for reading! Comment, vote, and byee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)

P.S.- Sorry for the short chapter :-\

P.P.S.- Sorry for any mistakes, my mind is everywhere right now.

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