Chapter 25 - Final Chapter

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(Picture above is my emotions right now because I'm posting the final chapter lmao)

You heard the doorbell sound from downstairs.

"I'll get it!" You yelled at Phil. You ran down the stairs and opened the door to find Alex standing there, backpack hanging off his shoulder.

"Hey," he greeted as he stepped forward to give you a hug.

"Hi, how are you?" You asked.

"Goooooooooood. Hugo was in an exceptionally cuddly mood this morning. It was strange, but I liked it."

"Awesome. Come inside, you can dump your stuff in my room. Also, I have to show you something."

You walked up the stairs with Alex beside you, chatting away.

"Hey Alex," Phil greeted from the kitchen.

"Hi Phil!"

"Do you two want something to eat? I made sandwiches," Phil offered.

"Oh, yes please," you said. You grabbed a sandwich and turned around to Alex. "They're ham, lettuce, tomato and cheese, want one?"

"Yes, thank you. Thanks for making them, Phil," Alex said in his polite manner.

"No problemo kiddos."

"You're such a dork," you teased, walking out of the kitchen with two plates in hand.

"Thanks." You and Alex headed up the stairs.

"What was it that you wanted to- oh my god that's what." Alex stood wide-eyed as he saw a giant cork board next to the window, little pictures of things that he talked about the other day pinned to it.

"It's got everything you talked about, including the cherry blossoms and anime stores. I pinned it here so that we wouldn't forget it, I really do want to travel there with you one day, and maybe with Dan and Phil also. It'd be a nice get away from this stupid city."

"Wow I- I'm just- this is so cool! We'll definitely travel together, oh my god! We should pin more Japanese aesthetical shit up there, maybe some anime and some cool quotes written in Japanese or something! I'm living vicariously through your pin board right now," he gushed.

"Well okay, to the computer!"

"True. Ooh, can we print some Yuri On Ice stuff? That's my favourite anime like, ever!"

"Of course. Luckily the printer is in here, otherwise that'd be a lot of exercise."

You heard a soft giggle from the doorway. You turned around, only to find Dan standing there.

"You are so lazy, Y/N."

"Dan!" You exclaimed as you leapt up and wrapped your arms around his waist. You felt your face heat up with tears, but you held them back.

"Hello, Y/N."

"You're here! But... how?"

"Oh, turns out I'm just mentally crazy and have to take medication for a year. It's all good, I'm going to be fine. I honestly don't know why I'm not going to jail for six months at least, maybe it's because Phil's not taking me to court over it. Or it's because I didn't actually kill him. Who cares, I'm back better than ever! Well, not really, but you know what I mean."

"Oh, Danny boy, you know I'd never take you to court over it when you're mentally insane." Phil appeared from behind and wrapped his arms around Dan, placing a chaste kiss to his neck.

"Well, now that I'm back I'll actually be able to watch Steven Universe! Woo!"

"Finally. I've been waiting for ages," Dan said, dragging out the last word. Phil winked at you.

"Oh, is this the friend you mentioned before we were brutally split apart?" Dan asked.

"Yes. This is Alex."

"Hi Dan, nice to meet you," Alex greeted, smiling.

"Hey Alex. Nice flower crown." Alex blushed and ducked his head, muttering a 'thanks'.

"You do realise that you have to shoot a video, right Dan? You haven't uploaded for a month now."

"Oh, shit. Maybe I'll- yea. You know what, I'll do a coming out video. Fuck it," Dan suddenly decided.

"Oh- uh- okay," Phil said, obviously surprised.

"If that's okay with you, of course."

"I- um- yeah. Okay. Cool."

The rest of the night consisted of Dan bonding with Alex, Phil and yourself lying all over Dan. The four of you ate spaghetti and binged Steven Universe.

Dan did end up filming the video. It was a complete shitstorm of girls freaking out because their 'ship had sailed' in the comments and on twitter, and don't forget tumblr.

And yes, a few years in the future you did end up going to Japan. With Alex, Dan and Phil of course.

Your life was finally perfect.


Wow! That's the end! Sorry about it being such a short chapter.

This has been such a big part of my life for so long now, it's kind of hard letting it go. Maybe I'll write a few bonus fluffy chapters.

Take a guess at what one of them will be.. ;)

I'd like to say a big thank you to all of my readers, the ones who have been here for the updates and anyone who stumbles across this shitpost in the future.

I'd appreciate it if you'd follow me for more of my writing, but I understand if you don't. I'm not exactly, how do you say it, a great writer.

Anyways, I appreciate every single person who has read this book. Thank you and (hopefully) I will see some of you people in my next book. Yeah, it's going to be a Hogwarts/Phan AU. And y'all are gonna hate me because of something I put in it lol. (Update I've posted it, go read it plz and ty)


For the final time in this series, good bye.

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