Chapter 10

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"Phil! I'm sick of you trying to blame me, it's all your fault!"

"That's utter crap! It's your fault, if you hadn't have done it back we would be fine!"

"It's not my fault that you can't keep your bloody kart straight!"

You listened in amusement to the couple's argument as your character, Wario, crossed the line first, Dan, playing as Peach, and Phil, playing as Mario, came in 11th and last place.

Dan glared at you, and yelled childishly "NO ONE BEATS ME AT MARIO KART!" before he stormed off.

"He's not used to being beaten, don't worry about it," Phil assured you.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not," you replied sassily, "Anyways, if these are the types arguments you have, you need more friends."

"I've got lots of followers, I don't need real mates," Phil retorted.


Sorry guys, I ran out of motivation.

I am going to take a break from writing.

Maybe for a month or two.

If you guys are still here for my shit writing when I'm back, I'll be in shock.

But for now, goodbye.

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