Lifes full of surprises

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Tina's P.O.V

I was awoken by light streaming into my room. My head throbbed, I sat up. I was still in my clothes, weird. Painful memories came into my head from last night.


But how did I end up in my bed? The last thing I remembered was crying, and Newt comforting me........

I ripped off the covers ignoring my headache, he must think I'm so weak and he probably thinks I'm weird for breaking down in front of him.

I opened the door only to find Newt in the kitchen. I probably looked like a mess my hair was a disaster.

He was reading The Dailey Prophet, "uh good morning," I said

He smiled. "Actually good afternoon would be more appropriate."

My mouth dropped open. How long had I slept?

"But don't you have things to do?" I asked

"Uh not without you no." he said. I blushed and he pushed something towards me.

"This is for you." He said

I saw a letter with handwriting I knew to well, I smiled Queenie.

I opened it up

Teenie! Jacob and I are coming to England in a week meet us there. Our wedding is going to be there! I miss you and I hope you've been having a wonderful trip and I want to hear all about it when I get home.

P.S. Newt is obviously invited to the wedding, but he's not coming as a friend he's coming as your date and that's an order!

With much love -Queenie

I blushed furiously at Queenie. Only she would pull something like this.

"Do you feel up for going to England?" I asked

He laughed "going home you mean? What for."

I gave him the letter Queenie sent me, completely forgetting the last line she wrote, well I remembered after he probably was done reading it.

I stood there frozen I'm so stupid I thought over and over again. He kind of glanced at me, but didn't say anything. He handed me back the letter.

"Well, I guess we have a wedding to go to." He said.

"There so happens to be a train, that goes across Europe and then we can board a boat, to England."

"Uh when does it leave?" I asked

"Probably in about two hours." He said

"Two hours! How am I supposed to contact MACUSA about Grindelwald and get on a train?"

"Uh magic?" He said

Newt was never sarcastic, and I didn't know if I should be mad at him or laugh. I rolled my eyes and walked back into my room to pack.

I quickly wrote a letter to MACUSA telling them my painful memory and all I had learned, I tied the letter to an owl and let them do the rest.

Then I pulled out my wand and repacked my suitcase. I looked down at my clothes, I was still wearing the Flapper dress! How did I not notice that? That's just great I looked like a mess.

I quickly changed my clothes embarrassed to be in them any longer, then I brushed my hair.

I was back to the regular Tina I was, besides my tear stained face and splitting headache.

I grabbed my suitcase and pulled it out of the room, while using a spell to make my bed. I was kind of sad to leave this place, I had grown attached to it, my home with Newt.

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