Chapter 16: He fancies you

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The two males agreed they should start to study together, both helping the other, although Baekhyun knew he'd have a bigger job, but the giant wasn't all that stupid as he had originally thought.

Chanyeol was really starting to catch up with his studies, and he even started to be way more affectionate towards his family, and Baekhyun, but he had been that for a while now. The giant knew the reason himself, but he wasn't sure how he was supposed to be dealing with this. He knew he was indeed falling for the latter, so sometimes he didn't know how to act around him. He'd just try and be himself and so whatever he wanted, and all Baekhyun was responding with was warmness to him, and he couldn't help but to tall for him even more.

Friday was liked by every student, as it was the last day of a school week, but there was another reason Chanyeol liked it so much. It was P.E, and that meant sharing class with Baekhyun.

"Baekhyunie!" Chanyeol yelled excitedly as he spotted Baekhyun and their friends entering the gym hall and ran over towards them and attacked him with a hug.

"Why so excited?" Baekhyun chuckled at him, ruffling his hair cutely, which Chanyeol loved ever second of whenever he did that.

"I just like seeing you," he grinned back, ignoring the cackles behind him which belonged to their friends'.

When their P.E teach appeared, he separated the classes to two teams and played dodgeball. Whenever Chanyeol got the ball, his teammates nagged him on taking out Baekhyun because no one else succeeded at catching up with his speed of dodging, but Chanyeol couldn't bring himself to do so when he saw the latter's happy and satisfied grin, and purposely missed, and the opposite team got the ball.

The game ended up with Chanyeol alone for his team, and Baekhyun for his own.

"Ten bucks Chanyeol will let Baekhyun win," Luhan said to Kyungsoo. Jongin and Sehun happened to be standing behind them, but they also agreed.

Their prediction was right, and Baekhyun's class won the game. The other class kept on complaining to Chanyeol for not doing his best, etc. but it was totally worth it in his opinion when Baekhyun ran up to him and hugged whilst laughing happily. "I can't believe I won! I thought you were the best at dodgeball Chanyeolie!" he chuckled, once again ruffling the taller's hair, which the latter struggled a bit to reach if Chanyeol had his back straight, but he most of the time bent down to make it easier for him. He definitely didn't want him to stop just because he couldn't reach which his small pretty body.

P.E was over, and the males went to their wardrobe to get out of their sweaty clothes and entered their showers. Their high school had each a small stall with thin walls in between, and Chanyeol didn't know whether it was the school or the wall he hated the most, but he had to respect his friend's privacy and not do something he'd hate him for.

Chanyeol finished showering pretty quickly and dressed himself and went out, as he didn't bother drying his hair. Baekhyun noticed this, and decided to finish up as well and try to catch up with the giant on the way to the cafeteria.

Chanyeol had already sat down at their table with his food in front of him, so when the petite one sat down next to him, he placed the tiny towel on top of his head, blocking his sight, but he didn't seem too surprised.

"Thanks mommy," Chanyeol teased. He noticed how Baekhyun's hair still wasn't entirely dry either and threw it back at him. "Your hair's still wet too."

"Idiot," Baekhyun whispered, "you'll catch a cold." He forced Chanyeol to face him and dried his hair for him, and they just stat there staring at each other for what felt like forever, until their friends finally appeared as well. Even Jongin and Sehun had joined them now. Luhan and Sehun even told the others they were seeing each other, but still preferred it being a secret until they felt like sharing it to the rest of the school.

In the classes after lunch, Luhan had tried to talk to Baekhyun, but only being interrupted by the teacher every time he just opened his mouth – which was mostly his fault anyways for never being obedient before and now he was finally paying the penalty.

"Can't it wait until after school?" Baekhyun whispered to him after noticing how impatient his friend was after being scolded for the fifth time the past twenty minutes.

"No," he whined, even earning a glare from the teacher.

"Just wait until the five minutes break then. It's in twenty-four minutes." Luhan nodded, and so he suffered from waiting for what felt like an eternity, but it eventually came. At the speed of light, he stood up from his chair and dragged Baekhyun with him out of the classroom and to somewhere he didn't see anyone nearby.

"I just have to ask you," he started off, gaining the latter's attention, "what are you and Chanyeol doing?" he asked like the two was the most retarded people alive.

"What-" Baekhyun asked dumbfounded, staring at his friend like had turned crazy.

"I seriously don't get it. Are you in a secret relationship? I mean, I told you about my relationship with Sehun, so now tell me about yours."

For some reason Baekhyun felt like blushing like crazy, but he had absolutely no idea why. "We're not dating," he said flustered, "we're close friends, obviously."

"No, not obviously," Luhan disagreed, "what you're doing isn't ordinary friendship, and you know it. I'm not sure of your feelings, but he fancies you a lot. Either you're stupid or you're just mean."

Baekhyun felt offended by Luhan's comment and crossed arms. "Chanyeol doesn't fancy me," he said in a matter-of-factly tone, "we're close, that's all, and he's just being polite if you're misjudging it as 'romantic' feelings," he snapped back.

Luhan suddenly pushed Baekhyun towards the wall and trapped him with his arms and leaned in real close and stared intently into his eyes. "This is not being polite Baekhyun," he said, then giving him distance again, "and you know it. Just be careful and don't screw up. If you mislead him on, it might get ugly, and none of us want that." Without saying anything more, or even waiting for a response, he walked away and back to their classroom.

Baekhyun sank down the wall until his bum hit the floor; he just stared out in the open space into nothing.

Chanyeol fancies me? For real?

For the rest of the school day, Baekhyun was silent the whole time. All he could think of was a certain giant He tried to look back when their friendship bonded and how it was being together, and looking for signs of romantic feelings from the other.

Did out slow dance some weeks earlier count? Did he mean it like that? He said he just wanted to dance to his favourite song, or was it just an excuse to so I wouldn't be suspicious? Baekhyun had to admit he liked that moment. Even after some time had passed, he remembered the memory perfectly, and ever since he had been listening to the same song they danced to nearly everyday. He even found himself humming it from time to time unintentionally. Even Chanyeol noticed at times, and when he did, he teased him, asking whether or not that moment was special to him. When Baekhyun think back, it may have meant it was special to Chanyeol, and him as well, he just didn't realise.

But Baekhyun refused to to admit this. He wasn't in love with Chanyeol, and he hadn't told him he does either; Luhan wasn't always right, so without hearing personally from the giant, he didn't want to believe it was true. 


A little bit short, sorry for that, but I'll update soon~ xx 

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