Chapter 7: Back to normal?

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For making it up for the last short chapters, I'll be making this longer and sweeter~ hope you'll like it and don't forget to vote & comment .xx


When the school day was over, Chanyeol was secretly waiting for Baekhyun by the tree he made him climb to save the cat the other day, and not longer after, he finally arrived at the spot as well.

"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked when he spotted him by the tree. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you, of course," he said and started walking by his side down the road to their houses.

"Why? Do you need to know anything about my home before you go or something?" he asked.

Chanyeol didn't reply right away. "Yeah," he muttered, "what do you usually do at home? You know, so your parents won't suspect me or anything".

Baekhyun snorted. Like they'd suspect even if he just acted like himself. "I study," he replied, but when seeing the look on Chanyeol's face, he added, "just go up in my room and stay there, okay? Have dinner when they call, and then go back up until you'll sleep."

Chanyeol shrugged at the thought. "Am I supposed to be in your room for the rest of the day and be bored shitless? No thanks," he muttered whilst rolling his eyes.

Baekhyun sighed. "Fine, just tell them you'll go to Kyungsoo and study there and they'll probably let you, and then you can do whatever you want."

Chanyeol smirked. "Really?" he asked. "Whatever I want?"

Baekhyun didn't notice his smirk and just shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I don't care, just don't bother me. I'll be in your room studying as I couldn't be in my class".

Chanyeol suddenly started laughing. "Nerd," he grinned, but Baekhyun just ignored him, and finally they separated to each other's houses. It felt different for Baekhyun to enter the Park house, but he had no other choice. He didn't even want to imagine his parents' reaction if Park Chanyeol (but Byun Baekhyun) walking into their house and just be up with him in his room.

The thought give the boy an idea. What if I ask Mr and Mrs Park to invite/be invited to go over to my parents and have a meal together?

Baekhyun was unsure about this idea. He was scared of the reaction to how Chanyeol's parents reaction would be, and even his own. Their parents weren't on bad terms, but that's most likely because they rarely interact at all. Maybe Baekhyun should change that; even if he didn't want to admit it, Chanyeol was a part of his everyday life now, although he despised the idea of having to see him way often to his liking.

"Oh, Chanyeol, you're back," Mrs Park greeted him and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and a loose hug.

"Uh, yeah," Baekhyun muttered. He wasn't used to family affection at all, and he didn't realise this family was the opposite of his. He actually expected them to be a lot like his own parents.

"Did you have a nice day at school?" Mrs Park continued talking.

"I guess," he replied nonchalantly. He wasn't too sure how Chanyeol usually was at home, but despise the reaction of his mother, it seemed to be accurate so far.

Baekhyun had a thought of asking him over a text message, but remembered he didn't have Chanyeol's phone number, and therefore that idea didn't work.

"You alright dear?" Mrs Park asked, "you look a bit concerned."

"Concerned? Over what?" Baekhyun faked his laugh, trying to copy the giant. "I'm not concerned, okay? I'm just tired from school. I'll go up in my room." Mrs Park didn't reply but let him go up.

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