Chapter 12: Are we friends?

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After an hour or so, Baekhyun and Mrs Park were chased out of the house by Mrs Byun, and therefore they had to go back to the opposite house.

"Did you talk to Baekhyunie?" Mrs Park asked him immediately after closing the door.

"Uhm, yeah," Baekhyun replied.

"So? Was it bad? Did he get lots of scolding?" she asked impatiently.

"He got scolded, but not as bad as we thought," Baekhyun lied, "he was barely red on the cheek, and he had a sad expression, which was because of the yelling, but that's everything."

It was weird for Baekhyun to see Mrs Park looking so relieved for his part. Why would she care so much over him, and he didn't even know? Just because she feels sorry for him doesn't mean she'd care for his well-being.

"That's good," she sighed relieved, "hey, do you want to invite him over for dinner?" she asked excitedly.

"Huh?" Baekhyun breathed out shocked.

"Yeah, go over and invite him to dinner. What does he like to eat?"

Baekhyun didn't even have the chance of protesting as Mrs Park already put on her coat and grabbed her wallet. "You know what he likes, don't you? Tell me, what's his favourite dish?"

Baekhyun figured he just had to give in and told her what he fancied, and soon after she had disappeared. He didn't even bother removing his shoes and just waited for another ten minutes before going back to the Byun house. He knocked politely on the door.

"You again?" Mrs Byun didn't even try to cover up her irritation over the visit again and rather glared at the son of Mrs Park, but was in fact Baekhyun.

"Yeah, uhm, I need to talk to Baekhyun for a moment," he said quickly, hoping for his mother to disappear from sight as soon as possible.

"What for?" she asked whilst crossing her arms over her chest.

"I forgot to ask him something."

Mrs Byun squinted her eyes and glared at him. "Ask what?"

"Oh, Bae- I mean Chanyeol!" Chanyeol had appeared behind from Mrs Byun again and stared at Baekhyun over Mrs Byun's shoulder, trying to play it cool although he almost called Park Chanyeol 'Baekhyun' in front of Mrs Byun. "What are you doing here, again?" he smiled.

"Forgot to ask you something," Baekhyun said, hoping Mrs Byun would take the hint and leave, which he was sure she did, she just didn't bother doing what he wanted. "Mrs- Mom wants to invite you to dinner," he quickly corrected himself.

"Oh, really?" Mrs Byun interrupted rudely, "we already have planned our meal for today, but thank you for the thought-"

"Actually, we insist," Baekhyun interrupted, earning another glare, and a giggle from behind her. "And Baekhyun has the right to accept or decline by himself."

Chanyeol grinned in his direction, and he didn't even hesitate pushing Mrs Byun to the side and quickly went out and stood beside Baekhyun with his shoes put poorly on his feet. "Damn right, I love Mrs Park's cooking."

Mrs Byun stared at them both for a moment surprised. "You haven't eaten her food before," she said.

Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol started panicking as she was staring at them both, still having her arms crossed.

"Yeah, I haven't, but Chanyeol brags about it all the time," he he made up and quickly started walking with Baekhyun in his grab and following along. "I'm proud of you for standing up to your mom," Chanyeol whispered as he heard the door further behind shut.

"Yeah," Baekhyun said weakly, "that terrified me," he admitted, feeling all weak in his knees.

Chanyeol chuckled. "You'll be fine. She thinks you're me anyways, so she'll only hate me."

"You stood up to her as well," Baekhyun informed him, "she'd never allow me to go and eat dinner elsewhere just like that, but you just walked out." Baekhyun didn't even want to think of how it'd be going back to his body again.

The males waited for Mrs Park to come back, and when she eventually did with the groceries, she noticed Chanyeol (as she saw as Baekhyun) already there.

"Oh, he's here already?" she said to Baekhyun.

He nodded back. "Yeah, he wanted to just wait here instead. We'll be up in my room," he said and brought Chanyeol up with him.

Chanyeol collapsed on his bed with a big sigh and a yawn. "I miss my bed already," he muttered, "I'm getting real tired of this."

"What?" Baekhyun asked stupidly.
Chanyeol sat up and stared at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Our complicated situation here, if you haven't noticed," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, that," he giggled, "yeah me too. I'm not used to your body at all," he said as he glanced at his legs and arms.

Chanyeol chuckled at him. "That's because you're a dwarf. You won't ever get used to my height," he teased.

Baekhyun snorted. "Giant," he muttered and jumped on the bed as well to relax as well. "I wonder why this is happening," he said as they both lay down on the bed, staring meaningless at the ceiling.

"I wonder how this is happening," Chanyeol said.

"Yeah, that too. Got any suggestions?" he asked as he titled his head to look at the other.

Chanyeol thought for a moment. "Maybe we've committed sins we need to pay? And it's because of God?"

Baekhyun frowned at him which slowly turned into a glare. "You think I've committed any sins?" he asked offended. "Excuse you, but even though I'm not the most perfect person in the world, I still haven't done horrible things like you."

Now it was Chanyeol's turn to stare at him offended. "Horrible things?" he asked.

"You heard right," Baekhyun said sassily, "now that I know you a little bit better, I know you don't have a too bad personality, but you still have made some big mistakes and horrible decisions."

No matter how Chanyeol looked at it, the other was right. All Chanyeol had done ever since he was a child was to rebel and do everything he could against his parents. It became worse when he hit puberty and it became worse at school, and it effects his student life as well. He knew everyone at his school hates him, but was it really that bad? Had it gone that out of hand he was blinded all this time?

Chanyeol didn't want to be a problem child; he didn't want any of it, and he definitely didn't want to be a person even he hated too.

"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked as the other had fallen silent. "Look, I'm sorry it came that big of a shock to you, but-"

"No, you're right," he interrupted him, "I've been so horrible that I haven't even realised it myself how bad I was turning."

"Yeah, I wasn't going to take it back," Baekhyun chuckled, hitting the other playfully on the chest.

They both went silent for a short while until Chanyeol glanced back at Baekhyun. "You really think better of me now than before?" he asked with hopeful eyes.

Baekhyun stared at him seriously before answering. "Yes. I think the rumours are exaggerated and it's stupid of people - including me in the past - to judge and fear you before knowing you as a person. But I also think that you should change your attitude, and there won't be any misunderstandings."

Chanyeol couldn't help but to feel touched by Baekhyun's words. A single tear fell down his onto the pillow he was lying on, but Baekhyun didn't notice. "Thank you Baek; really, thank you."

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