Chapter three: one-night stand

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Baekhyun didn't come home until very late that night. He had a small hope that his parents would be awake, waiting for his return, dead worried about him. But of course, that wouldn't happen: they weren't worried, they were just angry with him. Angry at how he could just ran off like that. Angry at how rude he was being. But not worried. Baekhyun was tired of living like that, but what could he do to make a difference? He himself had no idea.

It was Math for three hours in the morning before lunch. Baekhyun didn't have anything against Math; it was just that the teacher was the strictest teacher he had ever had. No one was allowed to talk, or even make a noise, without permission from him. The silence always drew Baekhyun crazy, but he just had to bear with it.

He had purposely worn long sleeves on his sweater. He didn't spot it the night earlier, but when he woke up earlier today, he had bruises all over his arms from the game last night. He and Chanyeol played quite roughly, but as long as no one saw it, it wasn't a problem for Baekhyun. It didn't hurt too bad.

It was just thirty minutes left until it was lunch and Baekhyun felt like screaming out loud. His head was pounding and he was starving. He had never felt this restless.

Luhan, who sat beside him, noticed and giggled at his rather cute behaviour. Without Baekhyun knowing, Luhan spotted a small bruise on Baekhyun's arm and then forcefully rolled up his sleeves. 

His jaw dropped onto his desk as he saw how much his arms were covered in bruises, but he didn't say anything. It was because of the teacher, who would give him detention if he even breathed loudly and just held back questioning until lunch arrived. Baekhyun knew he had to be prepared being attacked by questions as soon as the class ended.

The three friends walked to the cafeteria to fill up their empty bellies and Baekhyun was waiting for Luhan to attack him with questions. He didn't, until they had seated down on a table that was as far away from most of the people at school as possible.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me?" Luhan suddenly asked as they were eating, catching Kyungsoo's attention, as he had no idea on what was going on.

"What?" Baekhyun asked stupidly, which was a bad choice.

"Don't avoid it! What the hell happened?" Baekhyun didn't want to answer. He stuffed his mouth with his food in order to wait, but Luhan was impatient. "Did Chanyeol do it to you?" Baekhyun glanced up at him with an emotionless expression.

"No," he simply answered and drank from his water.

"Then how the hell did you get those bruises?" he almost yelled and forcefully rolled up Baekhyun's sleeves again, this time Kyungsoo had caught on what was going on.

"I just felt like playing basketball last night," Baekhyun said like it was nothing, which made Luhan question him more.

"You don't even like basketball," Kyungsoo butted in, both of them staring confused at their friend.

"I've never said that," Baekhyun defended himself.

"You never play with us?" Kyungsoo added, determined to win the war between them.

"You don't like basketball," Baekhyun informed, causing Kyungsoo to frown.

"You never asked."

"Fine, I'll ask next time!" Baekhyun wasn't sure if there would be a next time. He didn't want to risk meeting Chanyeol in the neighbourhood again. It was like asking for the impossible, but he was allowed to dream.

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