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Focus on studying, I know it's hard but believe me. It'll be worth it. -unknown.
Chapter one.

"You don't have to run, I can drive you there,"

I turn around slowly, not finishing the apple that I was holding in my hand. I look at my sister confused, my jacket halfway on and the apple halfway in my mouth.

"You'll drive me?" I question, unsure if she was playing tricks or if she was actually being serious.

"Yeah, what's so weird about that?" She replies casually, picking her keys up from the table.

I take a step closer to my sister and place my hand to her forehead. When she realize what I'm trying to do, she pushes my hand away, my sister is never in this good mood, especially not in the morning. "What's wrong with me wanting to drive you to school?" She laughs.

"What's not wrong about it?" I question, "Last time I asked you if you could drive me to school, you threw a fit and ranted to me about how much gas you would waste on me. Instead of being twenty minutes late for school, I was an hour late for school." I reminded her.

She shook her head as she grabbed the jacket hanging from the hook in our little hallway. "Okay, that was last year. It's 2017 now, I'm trying to change."

I point a finger at her, "You're not joking?"

She rolls her eyes, "I'm not joking."

I pull into a grin and hug her excitedly, "This, I can learn to love." I squeal before slipping into my white vans and running towards the car.

As we pull into the big old school that I call 'World of idiots', I bid my goodbye and walk towards the building. I looped my hand into both of my backpack strings and walk confidently but quietly walk towards my locker. It was still early in the morning so there wasn't a lot of people here yet, but some students gave me weird looks and others minded their own business.

In my position, I'd prefer if they just minded their own business.

"Hey, Crystal!" I mentally groaned as my name was being called, but regardless - I turned around and forced a huge smile that the whole world could tell was fake.

Well, Everyone except for the girl in front of me, Katie Shapiro.

"Hey Katie, what brings you to me?" I ask as nice as possible but when it's Katie, it's physically impossible.

She was just so, cold hearted.

I haven't been her victim yet but from what I've witnessed, she wasn't the nicest girl in this school. If anything, she's the worst.

Too high on herself, bragging about her self all day long, bullies every innocent child. Yap that's her. "What do you mean? You don't want to hang with me?"

Hey, you guessed it!

"No, not that. Where's Jamie?" I purposely changed the subject, but the question was kind of stuck to my brain as well. Jamie was the girl who was always by Katie's side. She was the nicest out of them all, I feel kind of sorry for her.

Thing is, Katie only shows her bad side to people she wants to witness it, - in this case, Jamie was excluded. Everyone loved Jamie, she was so much sweeter compared to Katie. Katie was evil, I still don't know why I put up with her. Maybe because I didn't want to be on her blacklist.

Nobody wanted to be on Katie's blacklist.

"She's late."

Of course she's using me.

"Oh," was all that came out of my mouth. Katie looped her arms through mine and dragged me to the bathroom, most likely to have me compliment her and watch her re apply the makeup she already had on. She was pretty, I had to admit - but she was rude. Someone who's rude is automatically ugly in my eyes, but I would never tell her.

Suddenly a bunch of other girls started filling the bathroom, and I was left squeezed by all of them.

This is my school guys, the school that I have to endure for the rest of the school year. The school with all of these selfish girls, this is my school and I absolutely despise it. The only reason I'm here is so I can get my diploma and move.

Move far away from these people.


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