We watched as Grindlewald walked in the middle of all of his, fanatics.

"I thought MACUSA had him," she whispered.
We were both in shock probably questioning the same thing.

How did he get out, what was he doing in Paris and when did he recruit all of these people? My heart was racing.

Someone was speaking

"Sir this muggle, decided to follow us what should we do with him?"

It was hard to see in the dark but you could tell Grindlewald had a cruel smile in his face,

"Muggles, always trying to get in our business," I had stopped breathing Pickett peeked his head out of my pocket and I pushed him back in.

He made a whimper sound "not here Pickett." I whispered.

Tina's eyes were glued to the scene like she was investigating and predicting there every move.

"Tina shouldn't you call for other aurors?" I asked.

She shook her head "I can't contact the Paris Aurors, I don't know how to and I don't know if I'm allowed to."

The second reason seemed extremely unreasonable, especially for situations involving Grindlewald.

"Restrain him!" Grindlewald yelled, Immediately two of his fanatics grabbed the muggle by his arms and held him up.

Tina almost jumped up but I grabbed her before she revealed herself.

I apparated out but not soon enough we watched as grindlewald said "Avadakadavra." And the muggle fell to the ground.

Tina screamed and we were back in the hotel.

"We didn't do anything, I didn't do anything, he died oh no, Grindlewald escaped, he's dead he killed a no-maj and I didn't stop him."

She was half crying half yelling.

"Tina," I said. She didn't hear me or ignored me "Tina!" I said she finally looked at me ears streaming down her face.

"I didn't do anything." She trembled

"Tina you couldn't have done anything!" I said "or you would have been killed, Tina you're one of the best aurors I know, but you can't always save the day, and not by yourself."

She was still having trouble calming down. I walked towards her and held out my hands she took them and I pulled her into a hug.

"He used the killing curse with such ease." She sobbed into my chest "how can someone be so evil?" She asked

"You need to sit." I said as I took her over to the couch and sat her down.

"Don't leave me." She whispered, to be honest I wanted to break down myself, but I didn't for Tina's sake.

"I won't." I whispered so I sat down next to her. She leaned her head on my shoulder, neither of us said a word, just staring at the wall occasionally looking at the clock 2:34 am.

Sometimes I would her Tina sniffle, but she wasn't sobbing like she was before.

"Newt," she said

"Hmm?" I mumbled I was exhausted but refused to leave her

"I- I don't want to- uh." She started

I faced her "what?" I asked

"I didnt want to say anything- because I didn't know if- if I was right or not." She stuttered.

"Please don't -get mad." Her voice still cracking from her previous crying meltdown

I watched her waiting for her to finish

"I think- I saw Leta in the group of people at Grindlewalds- me-eting."

I felt like a dagger had just been stabbed in my heart and then twisted, Tina said she wasn't sure she was right and she was in hysterics, could she have imagined it?

Leta did some wrong things in the last but she would never join Grindlewald would she?

"I'm sorry I know you like her." Tina whispered

"Tina." I breathed "I couldn't be mad at you, not for this and besides, it could have been someone else," but we both knew it was unlikely.

She let me get expelled, why not join Grindlewald.

I didn't know she could hurt me anymore then she already had.

Tina had fallen asleep on my arm, I picked her up and carried her to her room. Her face was stained from tears but she still looked beautiful, I put her on her bed and put the covers over her.

"It's not your fault Tina ." I whispered, I kissed her on the head and walked out closing the door softly behind me,

"Come on Pickett let's get some rest," I said as I climbed down into my suitcase.

Awww wasn't that such a bitter sweet chapter! I'm sorry it was shorter then my other ones but I'll make it up to you guys in the next one! Have a great day Nifflers

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