Chapter 11

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"I think we did it." Anti looks over at the shower curtain, from which the green light was emitted from. We both look to each other in hope and joy, the shower curtain is suddenly opened and a slumped over Mark steps out. Please let it be Mark, or I'm royally screwed.

"Can I have a towel?" His gruff voice asks as he holds his head down in shame.

"Mark?" Anti tries looking at his face, holding the book close to his chest as he slightly squats down.

"Reunions can happen in a moment when my dick is away."

I then leap at Anti, a huge smile on our faces as we've managed to get Mark back, but Anti falls to the floor, completely blacked out, "Anti...?"

I poke and prod him, shaking him and listening for any signs of life, but thankfully I'm just over reacting. I think that performing that spell has exhausted him to the point of fainting. "I'll see you downstairs," I say to Mark before lifting Anti over my shoulder, stumbling a little before taking him downstairs, where Y/N, Fae and Jack all look at me worriedly.

"Is he okay?" Y/N rushes over to me as I lay him down on the settee, laying a blanket over him with a few pillows holding his head up, "He looks like sleeping beauty..."

"He's just exhausted, the spell did him in, so he just needs some TLC at the moment." I crack my knuckles before turning to the three of them who are waiting for an answer.

"Are you going to tell us whether it worked or not? I'm not young and beautiful forever you know!" Jack stands up, running his hand through his hair in an attempt to show his beautiful youth.

"Yeah", I smile, looking down at Anti, "He's just getting changed."


I think I'm about to faint now... I hold my hand to my forehead while my other hand holds onto Fae's shoulder, my stomach twisting and turning in anxiety.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Fae wraps an arm around my shoulders, a small smile on her face, trying to reassure me.

"I'm just..." I let out a sigh, as I try to calm down all the thoughts shooting in my head, "I'm anxious, that's all."

Then I hear footsteps walking down the stairs and I can't look up, I want to, but my head doesn't move, my eyes just dart around the floor as I hear him getting closer.

"Markipoo!" I see Jack leaping forward from the corner of my eye, holding each other close, "I've missed you, man. So much."

"You too, I mean, I've missed life in general, I almost tripped when walking to my room, I almost forgot how to walk." Mark lets out a bellowing laugh, and I see his face turn to me, but then he faces Dark and Anti. My eyes then dart up to him. Thick worried eyebrows are set above his eyes, bags lining them, his recently trimmed beard has a few razor burns on his neck, his slightly damp hair falling majestically into place. His dark brown eyes look over Anti, and he talks but I don't hear anything, I just see his lips open and close.

That's when Fae shakes me slightly, and my eyes snap to her, and she lets out a sigh, "Are you actually alright? I thought you were about to faint too!"

I sheepishly smile, standing up properly before looking back at Mark and making eye contact, my eyes slightly brimming with tears.

"Y/N..." He says my name and I feel every little inkling of emotion in it. He slightly smirks, before thinking for a moment, then taking a step forward he says, "I didn't mean to... to banish you... or... to be such a dick."

"I know, Mark." A small smile spreads on my face as I keep eye contact, watching as his brain fires up, thinking, constantly thinking.

"I uhh.... god it's good to be back. How long's it been? Two weeks? 2 months?" Brushing hair out of his face, he turns to everyone with a geeky smile.

"Half a year." I croak out, looking to the floor, remembering the first month... the thoughts, the emotions...

"Half a- half a year? How in the- What?" Mark falls back onto the settee, a hand over his forehead as he looks up to the ceiling.

"I've missed you so much." I continue, walking forward as I stand over him, "It's been so long, and I- I just couldn't handle it. I contemplated so many things, and I don't know why Mark..." I fall to my knees in front of him, my hands on his as it lays on his stomach, "But I love you, and I-"

He quickly pulls his face down to mine, his left hand stroking my face as his lips edge towards mine, gently brushing as he then begins to kiss me, so softly as tears fall down my cheeks. Quickly, I pull away and stand up, remembering the people in the room. Along with the fact that my heart is about to explode.

He slightly looks disappointed whilst looking up to me. I begin slowly walking away to the kitchen as I use my sleeve to wipe away the few escaping tears, "Sorry, I just gotta.... go... and...-" but, before I could finish my sentence I'm already in the kitchen, out of view from them. I spin around and rush out to the back garden, closing the door behind me.

What is wrong with me... seriously. This isn't me. Why am I so... hung up? I mean this is normal like the women said when I googled it... although their situation was so different in comparison to mine.

I stand by the pool's edge, it now has a cover over it as it's nearing winter. I see the water slightly moving under it, lots of dead leaves have fallen on top of it and move along with it. As I go to turn around I trip on my own feet and fall back towards the pool. It's almost in slow motion as my arms and legs flail to try and find something to support or grab onto. My foot crashes into the poolside, putting the impact on my toes and twisting my ankle, hurting a lot more than it should. My hair flies up in front of my face and then I fall into it. It feels like what you imagine a water bed would feel like. Until I began to sink, all the sudden weight in one area causes the cover to pull in and downwards. I manage to slightly push myself up but that causes my legs to be wrapped up by the cover, and then the water began to pour in. I felt like I was being water tortured. I tried to let out a shout for help but I soon began to gurgle the water. I spat it out, and shouted, this time succeeding but I'm not tall enough to touch the bottom, and I wasn't near any edges of the pool. I just doggy paddled as I tried to stay afloat, one or two shouts actually coming out. I was panicking way too hard, I knew it. I knew it would just make the situation worse but drowning was one of my top fears and I didn't know how to swim which made it worse.

Fortunately, it only took a minute or two before I saw Mark walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water, that's when he looked up out of the window above the sink and saw me, the joy almost depleting from his face in a millisecond. Why am I so selfish? It seems like I always have to make things about me. I have to storm off and bring attention to myself, don't I? I ruined his night of being a human again... why do I ruin everything.

I stop resisting so hard, feeling embarrassed that I'm the maiden who needs saving from a pool cover. A piece of tarp for crying out loud!

Mark darts out into the garden, almost by the pool side in a flash as he begins to pull at the tarp, bringing me over to the pool side where I try to pull myself out, but I even fail at that. He reaches in and pulls my out by hooking his hands under my armpits and sitting me on the pool edge.

"Are you o-" Interrupting him, I gently kiss his cheek with a sigh of relief.

"Don't ask that. Just know I'm fine now." Grinning, I try to free my legs but again he steps in and pulls the mermaid tail of tarp off of me.

"I swear I need to Y/N-proof everything around here." A smirk lightens the mood, "So... I think we need to catch up, don't you?"

The Dark Roads (Markiplier x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें