Chapter 2

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Jack quickly flew home after Fae and Y/N left, he was heartbroken and wondered why Mark did that. But then I noticed I didn't have D/N's nagging in my head anymore... she had somehow transferred to Mark and had managed to take control of him. I think it's because of how emotionally drained he was, she must have taken advantage of that.

Dark and I stayed at Mark's house, trying to figure out a way to get rid of D/N for good. We're all pretty saddened at the loss of Jack, Fae and Y/N... we were having so much fun without D/N, and we were about to go back to our normal life... maybe Y/N would even move in. It was such a great future but it was completely ruined by her. She knows we know and has been hitting us all the time, threatening us if we try anything. We've been playing along, but we are much stronger than her, well I am. Dark has been disappearing for days at a time, doing whatever he can to release stress, I believe.

I'm in the spare room with Dark, reading through book after book on how to get rid of her... but so far we haven't found a lick of evidence to help us. That's when I spot a ripped out page, then another one... and another one. She's ripped out all the pages that will get rid of her.

"Dark... We won't find anything...." I sigh, throwing the book to the side, "She's ripped out all the pages that can help us."

"Oh, that bitch." Dark fumes, his eyes flashing red, "Do we have to go to the council?"

"The council? Well, I guess we could plead since she's technically breaking the law."

And that was settled, we were going to go to the council.


I haven't spoken to Y/N in months, I've sat in my room, watching video after video of Jack. I couldn't go without hearing his voice for one day, and when Y/N had asked if I had watched any of Mark or Jack's videos, I lied and said I hadn't. We've changed, and we're depressed to say it simply. We were diagnosed when our parents were worried and took us to the doctor's, it's not terrible, but Y/N's is worse than mine. I take two antidepressants a day, one in the morning and one before bed, and after two months of taking them I'm already better and I'll be off them soon. But apparently they haven't worked for Y/N at all and she now takes six a day, it's heart-wrenching to see your best friend struggling when you're getting better.

The doctors are beginning to think she's a little insane, but they're the insane ones. She isn't that bad, she's just lonely. They told her parents to keep her away from people when people are exactly the things she needs. Her parents oblige because this will apparently help her get better, but after weeks of asking, they've finally let me meet her.

I knock on the door, happy to finally see her. The door swings open and her dad steps out of the way, leading me to her room before rushing back downstairs to make us lunch.

She sits on her bed, a crow sitting on her shoulder.

Okay, this must be some sort of dream... Ouch... nope, this is real.

"Y/N? What's with the bird..." I ask, leaning forward to look closely at it.

"I was at the park one day and he became my friend... not sure why... but he let me explain my feelings..."

"Are you feeling any better?" I ask, sitting down on the bed next to her, this is when I spot red slashes on her arms, "Y/N, have you been cutting yourself?"

"Ha, no. It's pen." She laughs at me, wiping the red pen off her arms, "Got you."

I smile, slightly laughing, trying to brush my sudden worry away.

"I'm not insane, you know. They say I am when I am in the same room as them, I just miss him so much... and I want to talk to him... I want to hug him..."

"I know you do Y/N, I want to do the same, but you need to get better first. Let's make a deal." I grin, crossing my legs.

"I'm listening." She gives me a bland look, the bird doing the same... somehow.

"When you've been proven to be better and they stop giving you antidepressants, I promise we can fly over to see them. Firstly, I need to tell your parents the truth..."

- - -

I walk down to the living room where her parents sit, they look to me with smiles, "She's laughing, that's a good sign."

"Yes, but I need to talk with you... We weren't lying about Mark and Jack-"

"Fae, we don't need to hear any more of your lies-" Her dad interrupts me.

"No, seriously. I have proof. We were in love with them..." I show them pictures of us all on my phone, big smiles as we pose for the picture, arms around each other. Then a video of Mark leaning down to kiss Y/N comes up, and this seems to solidify my point.

"Oh my... we're... we're sorry! We were told that-" Her mum, Joan, bursts out in tears, her dad, Daniel, comforting with his arms around her.

"It's fine... I know it must be hard for you guys to believe that. But we loved them... They loved us." My mind searches for something else to say without weirdly explaining the supernatural to them, "There was a big argument... and personal things were brought up. So he called you and my parents to get us out because things were so bad..."

"Arguments can be really bad sometimes... I need to call your parents over." Joan rushes to the phone, wiping her tears, I open my mouth to stop her but she's already waiting for them to answer.

"Angie? Is Robert with you? Yes... she's here. I need you two to come over asap! It's really important... Yes, of course! I'll put the spare pasta bake in the oven. Okay, see you soon." She clicks the phone back down, turning to me with a smile.

"Your parents will be over in a few minutes, go get Y/N down... tell her you two need to explain to your parents too."

With that, I jog up the stairs, bursting into Y/N's room, desperately trying to hide my panting but I ultimately fail as I let out a huge breath, "I convinced your parents that we were actually in love with them!"

"How the he- OH MY GOSH!" She stands up, the crow squawking in surprise after being woken up, "WITCHCRAFT!"

"Oh, shut up!" I hit her, making her sit back down, "I told them we had a heated argument, and so they called our parents... like we were some four-year-olds refusing to leave a friend's house..."

"You genius!" Y/N pulls me into a hug, pretending to kiss my cheek, "I take you for granted sometimes."

"Stop with the mushy shit before I turn into mushy peas! Now let's go!" I drag her up, the crow flying behind us as we slip down the stairs.

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