Chapter 7

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"Y/N, I need to tell you something..." He trails off, not making eye contact with me anymore which begins to unnerve me.

"What is it?" I slightly turn to him, playing with a tag on my bag.

"You know the crow you had has a pet?"

"How did you-"

"That was me. I wanted to know how you were doing, to see if you were okay. So I morphed into a crow and listened to you." He now makes eye contact with me, a small smile spread across his face, obviously nervous as he scans my face, looking for an answer.

"Awe! I thought one of my cats killed you." I hug him, holding him closely. I've missed tight hugs. Or well, hugs in general. It's soothing to be in someone's arms as it makes you feel safe, even if it doesn't last long, it's nice to know people are there for you.

"Heh, I thought you would've been mad." Dark giggles, "With me listening to all of your secrets an' all."

I stay silent for a second, my face beginning to burn, "I need to tell you something too..."

After explaining how Jamie, the woman at the airport, knew about the Dark side, and how Mark could be killed, he's very critical of her and his attitude quickly turns sour.

"I knew there was something wrong with her... she seemed very... invasive..." He sighs before standing up, "Mark should be fine, D/N's the Dark side of you, so she can't be... that evil."

"You know my name, not my story." I take my bag and walk into the house, trying to hide my laugh as I begin to think about a story of how I killed 10 people with my pinkie to tell him.


It hits me.

It hits me like a tonne of bricks, that familiar manly smell and it makes me lose myself for a moment, "Dark?"

I hear Dark close the door before taking my bags from me, "What is it, woman?"

"I can't stand this... the smell is just so-" I get interrupted by Dark as he drops my suitcases down a couple of steps he managed to get up, they clash on the wooden floor, almost hitting me.

"We don't have the womanly touch Mark has when it comes to making the house smell nice, and I don't think Anti has showered in a week or two." Picking the bags back up, he gives me a small grin as I follow him up the stairs.

"Not that you-" I let out a sigh as I almost trip up the stairs, "The manly smell, Mark's smell. I haven't seen him in half a year, and it's felt like a lifetime."

Dark stops when we get to the top of the stairs, he pushes the bags to the side before taking my hands in his, standing close to me. I blush at the distance between us, and I have to hold back the urge of trying to see if I'm taller than him.

"Y/N... You're so innocent, and it hurts me to see that Mark being gone does this much damage to you, even when he berates you, you still stay hopeful. I wish I had someone like you who could handle me, who wouldn't freak out about my powers, or that I'm from a different dimension." A huge smile is spread across his face, tears threatening to start spilling as they flood his water line, "But I can only wish for that."

Staying silent for a moment, I watch him closely, my heart yearning to comfort him, but I don't know what to do, "Dark, I-"

Quickly closing the gap between us, he brushes our lips together, my breath hitching as his breath gently fans over my face. The silent house makes my cheeks heat up as the atmosphere grows tense between us. I gently lay my face on his chest, letting out a shaky sigh as his face creases in annoyance, but soon relaxes as he strokes my hair.

"You'll find someone soon Dark, we all have someone out there, right?" Closing my eyes, I listen to his heart as his arms wrap tightly around me, kissing the top of my head.

"But what if I think I have already found the one?"

His voice cracks. All his emotions pouring out. It shatters my already cracked heart. My confused brain becoming even more tangled. My stomach tying even more knots. My heart about to burst from my chest. My breath shakily coming out.

"Then I'll wish you luck, good night Dark." Raising my head with a small smile on my face, I lean in and kiss his cheek before stepping back. I ruffle his hair before dragging my bags to Mark's room.

Oh god...

- - - - -

I couldn't sleep, not one second. I just walked around Mark's room, finding things of his and holding them to my nose before putting them down, sighing at my obsession with him. I was sitting on his window sill when morning broke across the town, I smiled at the slightly darkened fall sky, a little worried that I didn't even feel tired.

It's 8 am and everyone is still sleeping, I snuck out at 4 am to get some cereal but I'm hungry again. I walk down the stairs, being ever so quiet as I sneak into the kitchen. I feel as though I'm not supposed to be here, and I'm avoiding being caught by not waking them up. In reality, I don't want them to wake up, I really want to be alone for a while, and Mark's room isn't the best place for that. It reeks of him, every time I breathe in I feel as though he's there with me. Why am I like this? I only knew him for a few months, and now I'm acting like a widow.

Letting out a sigh, I hit my head with the palm of my hand, trying not to think about the possibility of that coming true.

I make some more cereal before going into the living room and watching TV, drawing on the back of the TV guide with a pen that I found was poking out from under the settee which was probably kicked under and forgotten about.

- - -

At 10:27 am Anti and Dark both come down, half asleep laughs spilling from them. I spin around to see them, and Anti rushes over to me, jumping over the back of the settee and pulling me down onto the floor. I'm laughing as I push my hair out of the way, getting pulled into a hug by him.

"I'd never thought I'd see the day I would be happy to see you." He, hopefully, jokes, pulling away and giving me time to examine him. I spot a bruise in the shape of a hand peeking from under his hair, on the right of his face.

"Anti, what's that?" I quickly push him against the chair as we sit on the floor, pushing his hair out of the way to see only a couple bruises in the shape of fingers coming out from his hairline, the rest I assume is on his scalp.

"Nothing." Anti quickly pushes me away, giving me an angry look. I give him one back but Dark interrupts our stare off.

"She's not been the nicest to us, Y/N." Dark pulls up his sleeve to show a bruise around his wrist.

"Why don't you defend yourself?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, my fingers gently tracing around the green-yellow patches on Anti's face in sadness and worry.

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