Chapter 9

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I didn't sleep at all, again. I thought the longer I'd stay in his room, I'd get used to it and be able to sleep peacefully, but it slowly got worse throughout the week, and I began sleeping on the settee and going back to the room before anyone noticed. The anticipation of seeing him has made me a nervous wreck, when I was able to sleep in his room, luck would have it, Fae came into my room and we stayed up talking, apologising and hugging. I hadn't really been mad at her, but the apology was appreciated as she said she'd try to calm down with the love stuff around me. But I told her she shouldn't care, I wouldn't want her to hide her love because of me like a secret no one should see. We fell asleep in each other's arms and that was the first time I'd had a nice, long rest in an extremely long time.

It's 8am and I'm sitting on the windowsill again, watching as it's now December 5th, and the days are becoming shorter as the nights are becoming longer. Winter is always my favourite season, with Christmas just around the corner, and the cold weather in a new country, it's exciting. LA rarely snows, so it shouldn't be much different from the UK, though Anti goes on about renting a snow machine for the garden.

My head snaps to the door as it creaks open, revealing Anti who is slightly surprised by me being awake and surprised to see Fae in my room, "Oh, you're awake. Well I'm getting everyone else up to discuss... today. Wake her up too. Get some breakfast and sit in the living room, Dark's already there. But try and hide your things, as he'll probably go into his room and we don't want him... well her overreacting."

I smile slightly as Anti goes, letting out a sigh before taking my things and shoving them under Mark's bed. Though one thing I am happy about, is seeing Chica. He put her into a dog hotel while he was gone, not sure why but she is getting dropped off after Mark. I put toiletries under a pile of clothes in the corner, kicking things under everything before shaking Fae awake. She rubs her eyes and grins up at me before she grabs my hand with a smile, "Let's go, want some poptarts?"

"Yes please," I agree as we make our way to the bottom of the stairs, she then quickly directs me to my seat on the smaller settee, before heading to the kitchen, demanding I stay where I am before hopping off. I look for Dark but he's not here, only the TV is on quietly.

That's when suddenly, Dark and Anti come spilling down the stairs, slipping as they frantically rush over, "He's here early! His taxi's outside, I'll send you three into the spare bedroom, I'll lock the door and you can explain to them."

Before a word can come out my mouth I hear footsteps outside the door and a jingling of keys, that's when I'm suddenly transported to the dark spare bedroom on the bottom floor, where Fae and Jack frantically look about, confused and slightly scared. I blink a few times, trying to get used to the sudden change in light. Fae grips a packet of pop tarts, rushing over to me as we sit by the door.


"Shh...." I quiet her down, calling Jack over and then I barely whisper, "He's home early..."

Just as I say that the door swings open, bags fall to the floor and I swear I just heard Dark fart.

They both nod, wide eyes, Fae shoving a pop tart into my mouth while hugging me, "It'll be fine, we'll be fine, he'll be fine. It's all okay."

I'm not sure who she was convincing more, herself or me. I chomp away at the pop tart as she splits the other one with Jack, and then I try to look through the gap between the door and the frame. I see something, but I only see Dark's arm, I slightly move to the right, and that's when I see him, in his red headed glory, scruffy beard, askew glasses and slightly crinkled clothes. My eyes grow wider than I thought they ever could as I almost choke on my poptart. I quickly crawl away, sitting next to the bed instead. I grab a pillow and slightly clear my throat as my face is shoved into it in an attempt to stay quiet. I feel Fae's arm wrap around me, "Calm down, Y/N."

That actually works, I calm down as I kind of take a reality check. He's just a person, I shouldn't be worried about him... but I can't help it.

"This place is a disgrace! I thought I told you to clean it while I was gone..." A moment passes of suspense as a loud sniff is heard, "And have you been eating my poptarts? You imbeciles, those are mine!"

Jack wanders over to us by the bed, gently sitting down on the cushioned surface, barely breathing as he's too worried, as we all are. Fae's still attached to me, her other hand in Jack's as his fingers slowly trace the back of her hand. We're all completely petrified

"We were hungry, and thought you wouldn't mind." Dark justifies himself, sounding scared as Judge Judy quietly plays in the distance, telling someone to shut up.

"You thought I wouldn't mind, well you thought wrong." It sounds like Mark and it doesn't seem right to hear him so angry over the littlest thing. I wish she would just get out of him for crying out loud. We hear someone sitting on the settee, and then a sigh confirming it was Mark, "Who put this crap on anyway?"








I turn to Dark and I give him a dark look, to which we both slightly smile at, Mark then booms, "I asked you a question and you're laughing at your inability to know who put Judge Judy on!"

"It was me, sorry." I look away from Dark, checking the TV as the adverts begin, showing some amazing floor steamer for only 199.99.

"Leave me be," Mark demands as we both go upstairs, I take Dark by the shoulder and guide him into my room.

"What are we going to do about them? They can't stay in there forever!" Dark whisper/yells at me, his anger failing at disguising his terror and anxiety. If 'Mark' found them, then we know it'll be a blood bath. I slightly shake my head to get rid of the thought.

"Yes, Dark. As if I didn't know that. But guess who got no sleep last night?" I proudly say, pointing to myself, "Yep, yep. ME! Not one wink."

He just stares at me blankly, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, "Why are you so proud of that?"

"Well, I was researching if there was a way to get D/N out." I pull the oak handle of my underwear drawer and extend the draw out, reaching to the back and pulling out a book I o' so expertly hid this morning. I spin back around to see Dark smiling widely, almost bopping up and down in excitement as he waits for me to continue.

"But she cleverly burnt all the important books, because as you know, your ex-wife knew almost every book on spells there is to know." I sigh as I flick to a bookmarked page, "But, this one is a newer book that was released by Tatiana Fittle, after D/N was killed, and it has a similar spell. But unfortunately, it doesn't get the soul of the person out, as it's considered illegal to mess with the Devil's actions. Or whatever crap they say about religion today."

Dark quickly hops to my side, watching over my shoulder as I make sure this is the right page, "Is this it?"

"....Yes." I finish scanning the page before handing him the book, "It's a watered down version, but it should keep D/N trapped in Mark's brain, but I can silence her. Then we can wait for the council."

"Sounds easy."

"Oh, but it's not. Let's not jinx ourselves here."

"But, how does it keep her trapped? I swear any 'Dark' person can just push themselves out of the person's mind?" Dark questions, admiring the demonstration drawing of a naked man.

"She's extremely weak, she hasn't got a body and is inexperienced with today's magic, so it all should be fine. Hey you perv, stop looking at it." I lightly laugh, "Why is he naked?"

We both scan the spell and we see it says the individual has to be naked to be in the purest form when we perform it.

"When he has a shower?" Dark suggests.

"Great idea, I thought we would have to tackle him and strip him, I was almost going to have a panic attack."

Then the loudest woman's scream I've heard in a while comes from downstairs, Dark quickly runs downstairs, and I chuck the book in the drawer and shut it before quickly following after him.

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