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"(y/n)! Naruto!" Yells everyone.

"Heh, hey guys." You flinch from pain. "Lovely weather we're having, right? Oh and... I know I look helpless but don't worry! Also, hurry up Chūseina!"

"This is bad." Says Kankuro.

"Well obviously Kankuro, you stupid- AAAAAAAAAAH" You scream in pain once again as Seimei crushes you harder.

"Sakura, go over to Naruto, Chūseina, Matsuri, and Rokuro, treat Naruto and...." You were starting to pass out. Sakura and Hinata start running towards the group. They couldn't see Chūseina yet, but Chūseina touches both their shoulders and puts chakra within them letting them see her.

"I'll explain about me later, Sakura, help me." Mumbles Chūseina as she begins healing Naruto and Matsuri. Naruto begins to get up but is scolded by Sakura and is forced to be sat down.

"I need to help Gaara and (y/n)!" Yells Naruto.

"Gaara can help her and himself." Mumbles Chūseina.

"Things are going to get really ugly really soon." Mumbles Temari.

"I was afraid of that." Says Shikamaru. Shikamaru then tells Sakura to hurry up.


"I'm not going to give up!" You yell loud enough for everyone to hear. You swing yourself and manage to kick Seimei, he then drops you. Your eyes go wide as you soon realize how far you guys are from the ground. Everyone watches, worried, knowing that they should help, but can't. Your heartbeat grew faster, harder.


You didn't know what else to do but yell.

"GAARA!" You cry out Gaara's name and close your eyes. You were caught by two, normal hands. You open your eyes. "Gaara...."

"If I'm to help my friends, I must do it for myself, ON MY OWN!" Yells Gaara.

"You fool, you're allowing your emotions to guide you. A shinobi must abandon emotion if he's ever to obtain the ultimate power." Begins Seimei. "And power, power, is the only truth in this world. As your about to find out. It's over!" Gaara takes a hold of you and jumps back a few feet, dodging the first attack. He then gets hit by the second and third, trying to cradle you with safety.

"Gaara put me down and save yourself." You mumble.

"Your time is done you freak of the sand village. " Mumbles Seimei.

"He's not a freak." You mumble only loud enough for Gaara to hear. Gaara then grins at Seimei.

"Hmmm, why so cocky? You have no more chakra. In fact, I'm surprised that you have the strength to hold that grin on your face." Mumbles Seimei.

"Yes, my chakra is almost totally depleted, but, all that time I was trapped in that cage, did you think I was just sitting there and doing nothing?" Questions Gaara.

"Meaning?" Questions Seimei. Gaara then lays you on the ground gently and pushes his hands together.

" Sand Tsunami!" Yells Gaara. There was nothing to be seen.

"Ha, it seems that you have run out of chakra." Laughs Seimei.

"I, am Gaara of the Desert, where there is rock, wherever there is earth, I can make more sand." Notifies Gaara. The canyon starts to crack and shake. Soon boulders were falling, creating sand! Gaara hosts you on his back and continues pushing his hands together. The Sand Tsunami had hit Seimei, causing him to give in. When everyone thought it was over, Seimei came out of the ground using a jutsu.

Gaara x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant