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"Alright kids-" Kankuro was cut off by a familiar voice. 

"GAARA!!!" You yell as you drop your bag and run towards the crowd of kids and the three sand siblings. You jump into Gaara's arms and hug him. 

"(y/n)!? Wh-What are you doing here for!?" Questions Kankuro with fear. You turn to face Kankuro with an evil smile with such innocence. 

"Oh, I'm moving here so I can be closer to Temari, Gaara, and.....YOU." You say saying YOU louder than Temari and Gaara. 

"Excuse me!" Yells a kid raising his hand.

"Yes little guy?" You smile ever so kindly. 

"Are you going to be a sensei too?" Asks the little boy. 

"Oh no, I'm sorry dear, buuuuuut, you should totally have Gaara as your sensei!" You yell smiling as you swing your arm around Gaara giggling. 

"Good, you look weak anyways." Mumbles another boy. 

"E-Excuse me little man?" You mumble as you stare into the little boy's eyes with evil. 

"You heard me, girls are weaklings, all they're good for is cooking and watching kids and taking care of whatever needs to be done." Mumbles the boy. 

"Grrr...." You growl as you approach the boy. You're foot was gently grabbed by Gaara's sand. Gaara looks at you with a 'seriously' face. You back at him with a 'let me teach him that girls can be superior too' face. Gaara let go of your foot and let you approach the boy. You look down at the boy. 

"What are you looking at you piece of scu-" You push the boy down. 

"Shut up, fight me if you wanna prove that girls are worthless objects." You say stoically. 

"(y/n)!" Yells Temari who tries to approach you but Gaara grabs Temari reassuring her that this will be fine. 

"Sure, but don't cry when you lose." Scoffs the arrogant boy. You and the boy go away from the group.

"Gaara, you know how (y/n) fights." Whispers Temari in Gaara's hair. 

"She wouldn't kill the boy or harm him badly, though she will teach him a lesson with some pain." Mumbles Gaara. 

"Alright, the battle will!" Yells Kankuro. The boy runs towards you as you stand looking at the ground. You make a hand movement with your dominant hand. 

"HAHA, TOO SLOW YOU PATHETIC WEAKLING OF A GIRL!" Yells the kid as he takes out a Kunai and quickly slices you as many times as he could, after finishing what he did he jumps back smiling at first.....until he figured out he did nothing. You were standing in the same place you were before. Wherever the boy sliced you, was sliced, but the 'wounds' showed only watery marks because of your newest Ninjutsu. "WHAT!?"

"This is why you don't act so arrogant little boy!" You yell as you suddenly reappear in front of the boy too quick for him and even Gaara. You then punch the little boy so hard into the ground that sand 'splashed' everywhere. "Hmmp, every time you call someone or something a weakling, then go look in a mirror." You then walk away from the crowd picking up your bag. "Gaara, my old house was never sold right? If it wasn't sold and is still standing, then I'm going there, tell the boy my address because I have a feeling he'll be seeking me." 

"Yes and fine." Replies Gaara. You then leave the premises and go to one of your many childhood homes.

~At your house~

You open the door of your house and turn on the lights. You look everywhere at what you could see. 

"Hm, just like how we left it father." You say as you pull out an old picture of your father. Gaara had sent it to you around the time after he and his siblings left after the exams. You were very grateful and sent back a letter for Gaara. You wonder if he ever got it. You then walk around the house dusting things off. You then approach your bed. You hit with your hand and began coughing at the damn dust. "EW EW EW F*CK F*CK F*CK!!!" You yell as you drop your bag and run outside. You burst through the door and fall to the ground coughing. "F*ck that sh*t!"

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